National Child Care Professionals’ Day Overview

National Child Care Professional Day is celebrated in recognition of all the educators and teachers who play a significant role in raising children and teaching them, and who are a blessing for all those working parents who do not get the time to make children into well-rounded, educated personalities. Celebrated on the 11th of May every year just after mother’s day, this day is celebrated by recognizing educationists and caretakers through different ways for instance by throwing parties, giving them gifts, greeting cards, and bouquets etc. In order to learn more about how to celebrate the day and what is its significance and history, follow the steps given below:


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    History of National Child Care Professionals' Day

    National Child Care Professional Day is celebrated in honor of all those people who have adopted the profession of taking care of children. This includes caretakers, nannies, educationists and other professionals working under the same banner.

    It was thought that the priceless services provided by all these professionals must be recognized and therefore in 1996, the National Child Care Professionals Day was celebrated on the 11th of May for the first time. Since then it rapidly gained popularity and now with the passage of time, it is celebrated with even more zeal than in the past years.

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    Importance of National Child Care Professionals' Day

    Celebrating this day just after Mother’s Day reminds us that child caregivers are also like mothers who take care of children with love and devotion. This day is celebrated to not only recognize the efforts of these professionals at national level but also to raise funds for such professionals. Recognizing these people will ultimately pay you back as they will work harder in the future.

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    Celebrating National Child Care Professionals' Day

    Since this day is in recognition of people who take care of your children, so make it a special for them. Unite all other parents with you and then you can decorate the teachers' homes or places where they work with flower bouquets. You can also give them greeting cards along with bouquets; there are many greeting cards available in the markets that are particularly meant for this day.

    Another good idea will be to throw a party in their recognition or you can also arrange a dinner for them with all their favorite dishes, or give them a paid day off.

    One good suggestion will be to make their home or workplace even more comfortable by providing things that they might be lacking.

    Another good surprise that you can give to them is to offer them a free spa day or a ticket to their favorite movie.

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