How to Surf the Blocked Websites

Sometimes, some organizations, and even countries, block certain websites to be viewed by applying some restrictions. In the meantime, there are some companies that do not want their websites, or a specific content of their website, to be viewed out of a particular region. However, there are still ways by which you can browse through those certain websites, by using proxy servers offered by different proxy websites. You just have to tell the proxy website about the site that you want to browse and it provides you with the proxy server which you can use to view the content on your favourite website.


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    First of all, you need to find a website that offers different proxy sites with different speeds and from different regions. For that purpose, you can open your web browser and navigate to your favourite search engine. Use the search engine to search for different website that offers a good list of proxy websites. When the search results appear, you will also see different proxy sites listed directly in the search results.

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    You still need to open a website which offers a list of proxy sites, as this allows you to compare speeds for the sites easily. is one such website, which offers a list of proxy servers with their status and functionality.

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    When the website opens, you need to click on the “Sorted by rating” text link present at the left side panel of the main page. This will open a list of proxy sites with highest rated websites listed at the top.

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    The proxy site with highest rating signifies the particular website as the most reliable one in the list. It also shows that the particular site is properly working and offers great user experience.

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    You should also try to pick a site that is closer to your region, as it will allow a fast connection between your computer, the proxy site and the blocked website that you want to view. Also, you should consider using sites that have higher uptime percentage, in a bid to avoid any connection errors to appear while you browse through the blocked website.

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    Once you click on your selected proxy website, you will be taken to that particular site’s main page, where you will have to enter the blocked website’s URL in the “Web Address” field. Click the “Browse” button, and you will see your favourite site appearing on your screen.

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