How to Handle a Psychic Sister in Law

It is sad, but a lot of people are living with mentally unstable relatives. They may be completely harmless, or on the contrary, aggressive.

The mentality controls the behaviour of a person and determines his or her attitude to the world. Any deviations from the norm can be associated with a mental disorder or mental illness. Accurate diagnosis can only be experienced psychiatrist based on a thorough examination of the patient.

Mentally ill people do not adequately perceive the reality and have behavioural problems. Communicating with people, they can deviate from existing norms. People suffering from mental disorder experience a pronounced confusion and distorted view of reality.


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    Treat mentally or unhealthy persons with love. After all, it's not their fault that they are in trouble. However, it will be very difficult to try to respect her. Do not talk to her in dismissive and condescending tone, even if you have plenty of time to ask for anything.

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    Keep a certain distance. Do not be offended by her words or actions, because it will provoke you and make her happy. Consider the negative behaviour as a symptom of the disease.

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    Behave calmly. Understand that her inappropriate behaviour is a consequence of severe mental disorder. The patient can become hyper or aggressive. So, do not yell at her. At such times, she will not be able to understand everything that you are trying to convey her. Your peace of mind will help her in coping with the anxiety, confused thoughts and improve her mental state. A conflict and disagreement, however, can cause a relapse.

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    Learn to recognize the symptoms. If you observe anger and irritability in her nature, do not argue with her and try to limit communication. Try to speak in short sentences to her. Show her respect and do not try to argue with her on a certain matter.

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    Mentally ill people require a special relationship. In any case, you need to consult a specialist who will look the medical history of the problem of a family member and will give good advice, how you behave when dealing with him.

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