How to Develop an Evil Stare

These days most people seem to be getting a little too friendly and a little too chummy with you. Now this can prove to be a problem, if you don’t like people and just don’t want to interact with them.

Some people feel that everyone wants to be friends with everyone else, and this makes them go out and be unusually friendly. In fact, they get so friendly that it proves to be kind of annoying after a while.

In order to overcome these people, you need to find a way to ward them off from a distance, without letting them approach you. The best way to do this, is by developing an evil stare.

This evil stare will make them think you are up to no good, or are planning something so evil that it is best to avoid you altogether.

You can also use this evil stare, if you are just looking to do evil things, and make the appropriate facial expressions while doing so.


  • 1

    In order to develop an evil stare, you need to first kick things off by slowly starting to become evil. Now you don't need to become super evil, like an criminal is. Instead, you can be a small scale evil person, who goes about stealing candy from children and one who lures pets in by offering them food, but then opts to eat it instead and then laughs in their faces.

    Now you need to practice these small evil things, in order to get your mind to come to terms with the fact that you are slightly evil.

  • 2

    Now, once you have gone on to start performing acts of pure minor evil, you can take things to the next level. Now this level sees you make an evil face to accompany your actions.

    Initially it is going to be very hard to make this face, so a better option would be to watch movies and cartoons and look at the evil faces that the main villains make in those movies.

    This will give you a reference point, and will help you to develop your stare.

  • 3

    After having figured out a basic stare, you need to go on and sit in front of a mirror. Now spend a long time make evil faces in the mirror, until you shortlist about five which you think will do the trick.

    Now take these new stares out for a test run. Grab a baby from somewhere, and start making these faces at the baby, while giving him your evil stare. Wait till the baby starts crying, and the stare that made the baby do so, is the stare that you should use forever.

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