A Beauty Profile

A fair lamp, from whose celestial ray. That light proceeds which kindleth lover’s fire. Edmund Spencer said this about the beautyâÂ?¦.

Perfect beauty is always a subtle notion, but if you can feel good about yourself by adorning your looks, you will be able to find more joy in your life. Undeniably respected figures in Philosophy like Immanuel Kant and Ruskin perceived beauty as subjective and as a judgment of taste and also considered it as some sort an expression of deeply felt emotions. Even today beauty remains as an argument obscured with no single definition.

But its something that every one wants to possess. Here, beauty enhancement techniques and the so called beauty tips are a vital part in the day-to-day human activities. TV Commercials are showering a zillion beauty-products in front of your eyes every day and magazines are writing at length about multifarious methods that one should adopt to look good. In the era of beauty pageants and fashion shows we should accept the fact that external beauty is a reflection of your personality. It indeed is a check on your persona.

Always experience is a good teacher. From my experience let me suggest you certain easy tips using some stuff that are readily available at anybody’s kitchen and wardrobe.

Imagine you are out in the sun for a long time. On a picnic or on shopping what ever it be, when you are back wash your face with cold water and apply some fresh yogurt on your face, on arms, legs and all over the skin that were exposed to sun. This will keep your skin and muscles unfastened and moisturised. The same process you can practice when you are back from the indoor or outdoor tanning, jogging and from the AC. Though tanned skin is a fashion statement today auburns may cause serious harms to your skin like skin damage and skin cancer. So to avoid the risk and to save your skin from sun damage, apply yogurt as a post-tan lotion.

Quite often dark circle appears under the eyes as a blemish on your beautiful face. Lacks of sleep, over exposure to sun, allergies, lack of nutrients etc. are some reasons for the dark circles. Why depend on expensive cosmetics when there is a feasible natural remedy for your beauty problems?? Take some finely cut cucumber and potatoes. Put them in a mixer grinder n grind to make a fine paste. Apply this vegetable paste over the dark circles. And feel the magic the natural cream is going to make.

Are you worried about dandruff?? Of course there are medicinal shampoos available in the market which work better on your hair. But it is not necessary that those medicines can work as permanent solutions for dandruff. Take four spoons of apple cider vinegar and apply it on your scalp. Wash your hair after one hour. Continue doing this for three weeks. I am sure this is going to work as a permanent cure for dandruff. Washing hair with rinsed beer makes your hair look silky and velvetish since beer is a good conditioner for rough hair.

You can do a good home facial with lime, honey, wheat flour, sugar and mayonnaise. Wash face with cold water. Make a fine paste with finally ground wheat flour and water. Smear the floor over the face and neck . Wheat helps cleansing your face removing dust and dirt from the face. Wash the paste off from the face after two minutes. The next step is to give natural bleach with honey by applying it all over the face and neck. Wash it off in four-five minutes. The later part is toning done by fresh lime juice made squeezing half a lime. When the skin is toned perfectly we can scrub the face with two spoons of sugar. This will help removing acne and black heads from the face. Now wash the face with cold water and leave it to dry for two minutes. Then you can mix up mayonnaise with ice cubes and apply the mix over the face. Rub your face softly with the mayonnaise and melting ice. Mayonnaise is the perfect moisturizer for all skin types. You can do this facial twice a week, especially when you are back from a party or a gathering.

A beautiful skin and hair always help you trigger the self confidence. Beauty is indeed a stimulating factor in the happy and content life as it reduces stress levels and frustration of anyone.

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