A Father’s Impact

I have always been a daddy’s girl and proud of it! My dad has made a lasting impression on me. I’ve always known I could talk to him anytime about anything.

I’m very blessed that as I have grown into an adult woman, my relationship with my dad has only grown sweeter and more precious.

I think too many people underestimate the influence a father has on his children. A father is not just a financial provider, but he provides a lot of the emotional validation and approval that can positively or negatively affect his children for their entire lives.

Whatever kind of relationship you had with your father, he helped form and shape who you are today. He also played a critical role in impacting how you would (and do) relate to your husband. If you had a dad who complimented you and was affectionate with you, then you are blessed (as I was) to have had a father who helped build your self-esteem.

As moms, it is important that we encourage and support the special bond our children can form with their fathers. You can help your husband as he learns and grows into becoming a father. Remind him how valuable he is in shaping his children’s identity. If you have boys, your husband is crucial in being an example of a generous, affectionate, intelligent, hard-working, responsible, respected man. He will teach your sons how to lead a home, how to treat a woman and how to carry themselves as men. If you have girls, then your husband will help influence their attitudes about being feminine. They need to hear daddy tell them they are pretty and that he notices their new dress or hairstyle. As your daughters grow up, it’s vital that your husband not be afraid to show them affection even as they develop into women. He can also show them how to be treated like a lady by sharing his emotions and communicating respect.

I am so thankful for my dad who enriched my life through these attributes. I pray that you will be blessed by the father in your life, let them know how important they are to you. Support and encourage your husband so that he feels free to bless the lives of your children also. No one can replace that critical role of a father’s influence in the home…for a father’s impact lasts forever.

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