A Guide to Basic Home Security

These days, most household burglaries are committed by a new type of criminal. They are young, unemployed and very often supporting some sort of drug habit. They are, in a sense, ‘amateur’ burglars.
Only a small majority of intruders are hard-core ‘professionals’ with the skill and equipment to break into any home or property they want to. Therefore, it makes good sense to take simple precautions to foil this majority of ‘amateur’ burglars.
Properly fitted ‘dead-locks’ on doors and keyed security locks on widows are enough to turn away most thieves. Even a ‘professional’ may move on, rather than spend too much time breaking in.
The best deterrent is being prepared and to make it difficult to get in:
- Make sure all doors and windows are locked.
- For sliding aluminum windows place a length of cut dowel in the track so the window cannot be opened.
- Install deadlocks on all external doors.
- Change locks or cylinders when you move into a new home.
- Never give keys to a workman.
- Install key operated window locks
- Have good exterior lighting under eaves.
- Don’t leave tools in unlocked tool shed – padlock it.
General precautions:
- Photograph your painting, antiques and other valuables.
- Don’t let unauthorized people in.
- Make a note of the serial number of all your appliances.
- Have valuables engraved with your driver’s license number.
- Don’t put identification on a key ring.
- Never leave notes on your door
- Install a door viewer to check unexpected visitors.
Don’t make it easy for them if you are out or away on holidays.
- Light your house up with movement activated lights, above entrance doors, in the carport and along pathways.
- Leave outside lights on at night.
- Arrange curtains and blinds in normal open and closed positions.
- Ask a neighbor or friend to keep on eye on your house.
- Shut your garage door and padlock it.
- Advise local police if you will be away for any length of time.
- Ask a neighbor to clear your letter box of circulars, leaflets etc.
- Ask a friend to collect your mail or have it re-directed.
- Cancel newspapers and milk.
- Don’t leave ladders and tools lying around
- Don’t leave notes on the door.
- Hang some washing on the line to give a lived in look.
The 001 automatic dead latch is a burglar’s nightmare. It is one of the strongest, safest, deadliest locks ever made. The 001 has a tough metal case and concealed fixings at 6 points, so it is almost impossible to prize off.
The solid stainless steel bolt resists cutting, jimmying and/or manipulation and deadlocks into position automatically when the door is closed. The 001 is simple enough to install yourself. It covers most existing night latch outlines, so there is no need for paintwork retouching. It is avail in twin pack and is keyed alike. One key fits both locks for front and back doors.
The 001 has a door frame strengthener that has extra long mounting screws that dig deeper into your door frame. This provides you will extra toughness and extra protection against the burglar who attempts to gain entry by kicking in your door.
Padlocks come in a range of sizes and strengths and security levels. When purchasing a padlock, be sure it is fit for its purpose.
- Consider where the padlock will be used and the optimal size for security and practicality.
- Choose a padlock with an appropriate corrosive rating for its purpose.
- For convenience, have the padlock keyed to the rest of your house, for example, for backyard gates and garage doors.
The 777 deadbolt’s heavy duty construction is designed to provide excellent door security. It is an ideal second lock to the door particularly for use with key in the knob type locks that provide inadequate protection on their own. The 777 features positive deadlocking, plus, double cylinders so it can’t be opened, even from the inside, without a key.
355 deadlocks are attractive, surface mounted top security deadlock, ideal for most sliding and hinged doors in either the home or the work place. Their features include:
- Lockable turn knob with clutching device.
- Turn knob interlocked within the case to resist hammer attack.
- Steel bolt and steel strike to resist cutting and attack.
There are a range of security screen door locks with a double cylinder for extra security coupled with the convenience of lever handle operation from both sides. These locks can be keyed alike to the same key combination as other door locks.
Digital locks are available so there is no need to fumble any more for the right key. Utilize this keyless entry with your own selected code. The digital locks have an inbuilt clutching mechanism which provides extra security under forced attack.
The 680 patio door bolt is ideal for most sliding aluminum and timber patio doors. They also suit hinged doors. This patio lock can be keyed to the same combination as other front and back door locks.
As over 50 per cent of thieves enter through windows the following window locks will provide you with extra security.
- 785 push button keyed window lock: The 785 features one-touch, push button locking, suits most sliding aluminum windows and is easy to install for face or side mounting.
- 880 security window lock: The 880 fits most timber-framed windows and some steel-framed windows.
- 870 security window winder suits most timber and aluminum awning windows.
- 885 thru fly screen window lock. This mechanism locks timber awning windows with or without fly screens.