A Guide to Groton, New York

I have lived in Groton for over twenty one years. I grew up in this town and hope my daughter will too. Currently I reside in an apartment; however, I have been searching for a home in the area. Most reasonably priced homes seem to fly off the market in the Groton area. One reason why Groton residents loving living here is because of the school system. Groton Elementary School and the Junior High School is, in my opinion, extremely well run and full of amazing teachers. The village electric is extremely low cost and often a factor in purchasing real estate in the area.
If you are interested in living in Groton, but are currently unable to purchase real estate, there are usually numerous apartments available around town. The owner of the local real estate agency, Walpole Real Estate, is a landlord in the area. Depending on which type of apartment you are interested in renting, rent in the area is very reasonably priced. Local papers and bulletin boards will regularly advertise homes for sale or apartments for rent.
In Groton there are number of shopping locations. Wilson Farms is a cross between a supermarket and a convince store. The store carries meat, diary products, baby supplies, frozen foods, and just about anything else that you can find a grocery store. Dollar Foods is a New York owned company that offers quality food at a dollar or less. In addition to food, bathroom, household, stationary, and health and beauty products can also be purchased here. Dollar Foods is popular for their milk, which they offer for one dollar for a half a gallon.
The Mobil and Red Apple are the two gas stations located in Groton. Traditionally you see higher gas prices in small towns, but both stations generally keep their gas at a decent price and is often lower than nearby cites. The Mobil is open twenty four hours a day and has a Mark’s Pizzeria attached. There are two other pizza locations in the area. Main Street Pizza and Lou’s Carryout each have dining services, delivery, or take out features. Lou’s Carryout recently moved to a new location and have opened a drive-thru coffee business in addition to the pizza business. The Unicorn and Sandra D’s are diner style restaurants in the area. The Red Door CafÃ?© is a popular meeting place for residents.
Groton has three bars and they are Farrell’s, The Roman Village, and the Groton Hotel. Each facility also serves up great food. Farrell’s and The Roman Village regularly have live music and the Groton Hotel has started to occasional have it as well.
If you do not have a vehicle, the TCAT bus regularly travels through the Groton area and can provide hook ups to Dryden or Ithaca. For residents living in an apartment or without a washing machine, there is a convenient laundry mat located not far from Main Street. Other businesses include an auto repair shop, auto parts store, seasonal ice cream shop, antique stores, gift stores, and two local trash companies.
One of the benefits of living in a smaller town is the closeness that many residents feel. It is not uncommon for someone to know their neighbors or become close friends with them. Every summer the town holds Groton Olde Home Days. This is three days where the community comes together for a fun filled event. If you are looking for a place to live where the community is safe, neighbors are friendly, and everyone is welcome than you should consider moving to the Groton, New York area.