A Guide to Harriman, Tennessee

First, the Bushrod Hall Bed and Breakfast is an historic home in the Cornstalk Heights Historic District of Harriman, Tennessee. The home was once the Hall of Domestic Science of the American Temperance University. Here, young ladies learned about etiquette, entertaining, and the fine art of table setting. These days, the beautiful historic home is a cozy, warm place to stay for the Tennessee traveler. The foyer even features a staircase imported from Sweden! There are three rooms available: the Utopian Room, the Porch Room, and the S.K. Paige Room. Each room has special characteristics; the fireplace in the Utopian Room, the pink 1940’s style bathroom of the Porch Room, and the privacy (and 6 foot bathtub!) of the S.K. Paige Room. Rates are comparable to a nice hotel. They are located on Cumberland Street and their website can be seen at http://www.bushrodhall.com/.

Another absolutely wonderful location to visit in Harriman is the Midtown Drive-In Theater. The theater was in disrepair for many years, housing old cars and junk. Now, first-run features and double features play every weekend throughout the warm season (usually April-November). There are old-fashioned speaker boxes in the front row if you’re feeling nostalgic- anyone driving a classic or vintage car gets first pick on the front row! They also often host special prices or discounts over the intercom system for those who can produce a vintage item like a nickel of a certain year. There is a playground area for the kids to entertain themselves while you go to the old-fashioned snack bar and pick up a pickle-on-a-stick and a large soda. If you’re not into the nostalgia of the speakers (or you don’t make it in time to get in the first row) just tune your radio to the station advertised over the intercom for great audio. There is a double feature each night, with occasional “creature features” and “dusk-to-dawn” nights that go from, well, dusk to dawn! You’re welcome to bring your own food and there’s no need to stuff the trunk full of people because the price can’t be beat at your local cineplex.
The last and most educational of these places to see is the Cornstalk Heights Historic District. Not only is the Bushrod Bed and Breakfast located there, there are many, many more homes from the 1890’s and beyond. In many areas, the original brick sidewalk is still in place and the home behind it has the original material and design of its origin. The routes and houses are clearly marked with signs indicating the official name of the home, its short history, and its date of origin. Victorian homes abound, but there are also Cape Cod style, Edwardian, and Gothic architecture styles. The route is rather hilly in some places, but very woody and shaded, enabling the traveler to stop, rest, and soak in the beauty. There is a park with water fountains along the route.

Take some time to see a beautiful, historic place. Visit these and other places in Harriman and enjoy a lovely view of the past that has been lovingly preserved for the present.

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