A Guide to Purebred Dog Community Forums and Groups for the AKC Top Ten Breeds

Aside from your dog’s breeder or veterinarian, one of the best sources of information and help is other dog owners. Web communities, made up of forums, message boards, and groups, can be an invaluable source of information for the purebred dog owner. Forum and group members share their experiences in various areas of dog ownership, such as behavior and training. If your dog is driving you crazy with his incessant barking or you’re having trouble housebreaking your adorable new pup, chances are great that other dog owners have faced similar situations and will gladly offer advice and support. Want to brag that your dog graduated valedictorian in obedience class? Your fellow posters will gladly join in the kudos. If you’ve just had to help your beloved dog cross the Rainbow Bridge, they’ll also share your sorrow.
Forum topics vary from community to community, depending on the breed of dog. For example, forums dedicated to the Labrador Retriever also have topics on Hunting and Field Trials. On most forums, irresponsible breeding practices and the purchase of pet store dogs are hot topics and tend to stir up some heated debates. However, these are the most common topics of discussion:
Behavior and Training
Breed Rescue and Adoption
Food/Raw Diets/Recipes
Not only are these forums informative, they are also fun. Members may discuss the latest trend in fashionable dog collars or breed-specific accessories. Most forums have photo areas where you can upload those cute digital images of your purebred puppy. Others hold contests on a regular basis or conduct fun polls like, “Is Your Dog a Cuddler?”
When you join a forum or group, keep in mind that it is a community in every sense of the word. Read the rules and guidelines carefully, and abide by them. Your very first post should be an introduction. Tell the forum or group something about yourself and your dog. No doubt you’ll be warmly welcomed to the community.
So, without further ado, these are examples of purebred dog forums and groups, based on the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) ranking of the 10 most popular dog breeds:
1. Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever Chatboard Forums
2. Golden Retriever
Top Golden Retriever Sites
3. Yorkshire Terrier
Yorkie Talk
4. German Shepherd
Home of the German Shepherd Dog
5. Beagle
A Forum For People Who Are Owned By Beagles
6. Dachshund
Dachsie’s Bulletin Board
7. Boxer
The Ultimate Boxer Resource on the Net
8. Poodle
An Online Community of Pet Lovers
9. Shih Tzu
For Shih Tzu Lovers Everywhere
10. Miniature Schnauzer
Simply Schnauzers
Whatever forum you decide to join and whatever breed of dog you own, just remember to be yourself and have fun. Share your experiences, good and bad, and help educate others. Most importantly, joining a community devoted to your chosen purebred dog will make you a much better owner and you’ll make some great friends in the process.