A Guide to Writing Your Wedding Vows

The new trend nowadays is for couple’s to take the time to write their own vows. But where do you begin? Some try getting books with romantic poetry and try to incorporate some of that into their vows. Others try to get someone to write their vows for them. But there is a step by step process that will help you to right the perfect vows that your spouse will love. First you will need a notebook and a pen.

You will then need to make a list of ten qualities that first attracted you to your wife or husband. Next you will need to make a list of the things that you look forward to doing together in the future. For example you could put, having a baby as one of the items on your list or buying your first home. After that list is complete you will need to make one final list of all the thing’s that you promise to do for them. For example you can promise to always love them and keep them safe. You want to make sure that you have at least ten items on each list.

Now you are ready to begin writing your wedding vows. In your first few sentences you will want to use one item from your first list, one from your second and one from your third. For example if you put down that one of the qualities that first attracted you to your spouse was their smile, and you look forward to having children and spending the rest of your life loving them forever, you can start off by saying this.

The first thing that drew me to you was your beautiful smile, and as we begin this journey together, I look forward to having children with you, and I vow to spend the rest of my life forever loving you. You can continue like this going through your entire list. By the time you get to the bottom of the list your vows will be complete. If you remember to use words from your heart you will have this task accomplished in no time. If however you can not think of anything to put on your list you may want to rethink the marriage itself.

If you truly love the person making up these three lists will be the easiest thing that you have ever done. So sit down and enjoy writing your wedding vows. Not only will your spouse be impressed, but your family and friends will be too. Even if you are not normally an emotional person this is definitely a task that you can accomplish.

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