A Home Birthing Experience

After months of consideration, I finally decided to give birth at home, without medication. I do not regret this decision and would like to share with the world my wonderful experience. Perhaps others will choose my path.

My husband and I had very different views on childbirth. At first, I was convinced that I should have a baby in a hospital with all of my family waiting patiently in the waiting room. My husband on the other hand, believed I should have my child at home, with just him and a midwife. What a difference! I was frightened of the thought.

We lived in Florida for the first 5 months of my pregnancy, so I didn’t worry too much about it. Once we moved to Louisiana, where we would permanently be for my birth, I began to realize I needed to make a decision- fast!

After reading many books on home births and talking to a midwife, I realized I wanted to try it. I was a bit scared about not using medication, but I knew God will help me through it. So I continued to see my midwife until the day finally came.

April 15, 2005 at 4:00 p.m., I realized I was in active labor. I called my midwife who arrived at 9:00 p.m. I didn’t deliver until nearly 9:00 a.m. So I labored 17 hours without any medication. I used water from the shower, heat packs, and prayers to get me through my long quest. With loving support from my husband and encouraging words from my midwife, I got through my labor with pain, but without being doped up when my child came into the world. Not only was I fully aware of everything that was going on, so was she.

My beautiful 8 lb, 5 oz baby came out of my 5’4″ normally 120 lb body without any unnecessary medical help. Thanks to my husband, midwife, and God.

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