A Hot/Cool Career in HVAC

The need for heating and air-conditioning exists all over the world. Cooling and heating devices help regulate the temperature, humidity, and air quality residential homes, commercial locations, and industrial facilities. The technicians who carry out repairs, maintenance, and installations of heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration systems are often referred to as HVAC technicians or Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning technicians. Opportunities in heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration repair and installation are good, especially for those who have formal training, be it through a technical school or as an apprentice. Certification by North American Technician Excellence (http://www.natex.org/) is the standard to become a licensed technician.

Training in heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration takes from 6 months to 2 years and can be completed at secondary and postsecondary technical and trade schools as well as junior and community colleges. Students in these programs study theory, design, electronics, and equipment construction. Students are taught the fundamentals of installing, maintaining, and repairing systems. Heating and cooling systems are becoming more complex, which is why opportunities for those with training at technical schools or through apprenticeship programs are greater. Many technicians however, still learn on the job as they work.

Students training for this occupation should take classes in computers, mechanical drawing, physics and chemistry, as well as electronics. A familiarity with blueprint reading would also be useful for this career, as would basic knowledge of plumbing. As equipment controls are more regularly used in these systems, basic familiarity of electronics is important as well. Technicians need to keep in mind that their business is service oriented, and customer service is an important part of the job. Technicians need to be polite and tactful when dealing with customers. The ability to climb ladders and lift heavy objects is another aspect of the job not to be overlooked.

Those with formal training in heating and air-conditioning will find the best opportunities in the business. The average hourly wages heating, air-conditioning, and refrigeration technicians were $16.78. Though employment projections for this profession are on the rise, if the economy sees a slow down in construction, jobs will suffer. Maintenance and repair however, would keep technicians working regardless of the economy as cooling and heating systems must be kept functioning properly. Year round employment can be expected, as most companies will schedule both installation and maintenance work. Some HVAC companies even require service contracts, which would guarantee work year round.

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