A Houseboat for Full Time Living: Why Pay Property Taxes

Owning that nice house in the suburbs just isn’t in the cards, prices have climbed way out of sight. Your dream was a nice little place on the lake, complete with that little fishing boat. You thought the suburbs were expensive, double and triple that for any kind of lake front property. It’s starting to look like a cardboard box under the freeway may be a practical solution. Don’t despair, there is a way to live on the water and have your fishing boat close at hand.

Houseboats, large spacious crafts that have adequate floor space comparable to a modest sized apartment. Most large inland lakes, saltwater ports, and secluded bays have marinas. Renting space where you can dock your boat throughout the year. Prices will very, but depending on the level of amenities you require, a rate can be found to meet most budgets. As compared to renting a house, or making house payments boat slip rental will be a minimal expense. Usually a years lease would equal a couple months of payments on a house in the suburbs. Compared to owning lake front property it will seem like pocket change.

There are many types of houseboats, requiring all levels of investment. On the west coast full fledged communities exist with permanently stationed houseboats tied to moorings with a full compliment of utilities being piped aboard. These sometime two story structures are build on concrete barges and are meant to be stationary in their watery berth. With no mode of propulsion’s, these full fledged floating homes are just like their land locked cousins. Except for the fishing boat tied to one corner, and the gentle rocking motion courtesy of the waves in the bay. These don’t come cheap, but their much less expensive then owning property in the same area.

Without placing yourself in a house rich, cash poor situation, you can accomplish the same goals with much less investment. Smaller houseboats, though not as luxurious, can be cozy and comfortable, meeting all the requirements of a permanent residence. Whether it is a houseboat built on air tight pontoons, or a twin hull catamaran style floating home, the key to full time living aboard is the basic requirements for living. Galley, Head,( toilet for you land lubbers), a bedroom, or berth, and enough living space to meet your needs.

You don’t have to run out and buy a new boat, many used houseboats are on the market. Older units can be found for mere pennies on the dollar for matching square footage on a new boat. Some of the best deals are boats that need to be gutted, and refurbished from scratch. Remember, running gear may be unimportant if you intend to keep it moored where it is. Do keep in mind, it may matter to the next owner, so protect your monetary investment and shop wisely.

E-bay is a good source of houseboats if no dealers can be found in your immediate area. Just doing a search for houseboats for sale will give you a long list of companies across the country that have suitable candidates for sale. Your local Craigslist web site may have some listed as well.

In the north pacific you can find logging platforms that have been built over into house boats with large usable deck space. Built by lashing large logs together with a deck constructed on top. A cabin, or house structure is then built on part of the large deck space. These floating lodges take on boarders and visitors to the area. Moved about slowly in good weather, by outboard motors, or hauled by tug boat.

They can tie up indefinitely in remote little coves, and back water bays. Providing that perfect house that delivers you right to the spot where that trophy fish is hiding. Enjoying the natural environment, without the whole sale destruction caused by clearing land, and building permanent structures. Now that’s being Eco-friendly.

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