A Landmark Supreme Court Case: Albertson V. Subversive Activities Control Board

The statue ordered Communist people and organizations to register with the attorney general. The McCarran Act also set up the Subversive Activities Control Board to administer the registration process. Members of these Communist organizations would then be subject to denial of passports and the right to work in some factories like defense plants.�¯�¿�½
The Communist party members refused to register with the attorney general. Then the attorney general asked the Subversive Activities Control Board to order individual members to register. Once again, the members like Albertson refuse,�¯�¿�½claiming that the resulting penalties were from self incriminiation and a violation of the�¯�¿�½fifth amendment.�¯�¿�½The case reached the Supreme Court.
In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court sided with Albertson and the Communist Party and members. The court majority opinion stated that while the Congressional act did contain immunity from being prosecuted for registering, the registration could later be used in a criminal case or to supply investigatory leads. This was a�¯�¿�½ form of self incrimination and violated the fifth amendment. The majority opinion was written by Justice Brennan. Justice White abstained from the vote, making it an 8-0 decision.
This landmark Supreme Court case proved that while the people were scared of the threat of communism and the U.S. was engaged in the Cold War, the constitution still had to be upheld and its principles.
In the United States during the Cold War the nation was in fear due to Senator Joseph McCarthy who said that he had a list of people who working within the government who were communists. This caused fear and panic among the American people and government officials. Eventually McCarthy would be removed from office but Supreme Court decisions like Albertson played an influential role in government as the Supreme Court helped restore order and justice in society and government. Had the ruling in the court gone the other way, many people’s rights would have been violated. Ordinary people who have done nothing wrong could be detained for long periods of time. Albertson and other court cases helped make sure that the Constitution was followed.
The Cold War marked a tough time in the United States for all citizens but with the help of the Supreme Court, the U.S. was able to get through the Cold War without an actual war being fought.