A List to Check Before You Move

If you are about to move, I am sure you have a lot of different things on your mind. It may be hard to keep track of everything you were supposed to do. Here is a basic checklist to help you remember some of the things you might have forgotten to do.

– You need to make sure that you have set up utilities for your new place, as well as having taken care of your utilities at the place you live now.

– Don’t forget to inform important companies of your move. Places like your bank, your cell phone, and your credit card companies need to know that you will be changing locations so that they can send your bills to the correct address. You can put in a forward of address to ensure that all of your mail reaches you.

– Have you double checked all of the rooms, cabinets, drawers, and closets for anything missed while packing? You should ensure that everything you need to pack is packed.

– If you are leaving furniture have you checked under it, behind it, and between or under any cushions? Often times we lose things between our couch cushions and never even realize it. Double check yourself to make sure that there is nothing of importance there.

– You should get a list from the landlord (if you are renting) of things that you need to do before leaving to ensure the return of your full security deposit. You should also be sure to inform them of your new address so they know where to send your security deposit.

– Double check all the boxes that you have packed before you tape them closed. Make sure everything is packed right, and everything is well labeled.

– Be sure that you have made any last payments you need to so that you will have no troubles moving into your new place. If any payments remain before you can move in, make arrangements to pay them before you plan to start staying there.

– If you are leaving behind appliances, be sure to leave any manuals and instructions that the new tenants might need.

– If you are moving to a new state or country, make sure that you have chanced your drivers license, or at least have time put aside to get it done in the required amount of time. The last thing you need in your first weeks in a new neighborhood is to be caught driving with an illegal license.

If you have already accomplished all of these tasks, then you are well on your way to a smooth move into your new place. If you have not, be sure to address them in a timely manner so that you can move with as few problems as possible.

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