A Look at Two Toy Stores in Austin, Texas

The first thing you need to know is, both of these stores offer FREE GIFT WRAPPING!! As a mother, this is a necessity that can accomodate a busy schedule packed with birthday parties. I’m usually in one of these stores at least once a week buying gifts or toys for my son. I can not think of a better way to spend the day. At Toy Joy, it may take the better part of a day just to look around.
Toy Joy isn’t that big of a store, just like New York City isn’t that big of an island. But this store is packed! When you walk into the store located at 2900 Guadalupe St., exaclty at the intersection of Guadalupe St. and West 29th, you are overwhelmed with a feverish display of toys. There are toys stacked to the ceiling and the walls are decorated and packed with toys on shelves. It makes your eyes go beserk! You will find the largest and silliest collection of stickers by the roll, individually, by the pound, or packaged up. You will aslo be dizzied by the selection of windup bathtub toys, global tea sets, musical instruments, magic trick kits, dress up clothes, and room decor toys. Toy Joy, is one of the only places I’ve encountered where you can depend on to always have that favorite vintage toy in stock. That’s is what makes this store so unique. It would take a lifetime to look through it. The staff is always overenthused about toys and are really great at making suggestions for age appropriate and developmental toys. I don’t think it is possible to walk out of the store empy handed. Once you walk in, some toy is going to grab you, whether it reminds you of your childhood, or if it makes you regress back to a child like state.
If you are a bit of a claustrophopic and you want a great selection of toys through a locally owned business in Austin, Terra Toys may be the right match for you. Terra Toys has many of the great toys that Toy Joy offers, but you will always find a better selection of children’s books and wooden toys at Terra Toys. This store has a new location at 2438 W. Anderson Lane, which is further North than it’s original home on Congress Ave. Terra Toys has a sister store, Dragonsnaps, located inside that sells a very chic selection of children’s clothing. There is more space to test toys out at Terra Toys, and best of all there are train tables and playhouses for your child to keep themselves happy in while you shop. The staff at Terra Toys has always been resilient to my son’s occasional tantrums. They embrace them . They are so nice, and they always ask us to come back soon. Bless their little hearts.
These two toy stores are both great and I wouldn’t choose one over the other. I know I’ll always walk out with my arms fool of treasures at reasonable prices from both stores.