A Mom’s Life

I do believe I work harder and longer hours then when I worked fulltime. At least then I not only earned a paycheck, but had adult conversations, lunch and bathroom breaks and was praised constantly for my efforts. There was a sense of order to my day and I felt confident and productive. I actually had time to put on make up, brush my teeth at least twice a day, and could take a bath daily and actually enjoy it. Not to mention the time and energy to shave my legs!
Now, I am lucky if my husband even recognizes who I am when he comes home from work. I can only assume, since I vaguely resemble the woman he married and I am here in his house raising our children, that he figures I must be his wife. Otherwise, why would I be here? No one else would do what I do day in and day out without a paycheck.
I pride myself in being an intelligent woman, yet what is it with homework these days? Any confidence I have ever had in my intellectual abilities are shot once I attempt to help my third grader with her math homework. Bless our hearts, not only is she reduced to tears on the days I feel brave enough to help her tackle her assignments, but so am I. Lord help us when we have to tackle Algebra!
One of our beloved pet butterflies died today. Yes, that’s right, pet butterflies. They were a gift from me to my husband for Christmas. Original gift idea, don’t you think? He had asked for a Butterfly Box for our garden, and while I was researching online I found a kit that sends you caterpillars through the mail, and you get to watch them transform into beautiful Painted Lady Butterflies. Our families think we are a little strange having our very own pet butterflies, but what is life without a little originality?
Speaking of pets, recently a stray cat decided to adopt us as her family. Once she made her decision she became a permanent fixture on our outside deck. As if I have time to care for yet another creature! Aside from our pet butterflies we already have a cat and a dog. To be honest, I do not think I have the energy to care for another living soul. Currently we are looking for a new home for her, but without much luck. So for now she stays underfoot causing havoc each and every time we venture outside. With my luck, one of us is going to end up in the emergency room after tripping over her or I am going to accidentally run her over with our Mini Van, aka the Mommy Mobile one morning.
I have yet to discover the secret to juggling it all being the perfect wife and mother. I doubt I ever will, but not for lack of trying and wishful thinking. I truly believe that mother-in-laws and grandmothers always seem to have all the answers because they remember all too well the mistakes they made while raising their own children. This is their opportunity to actually get it right and reap the benefits that they have so rightly earned!
The truth is, I could not be happier! Sure I could use more sleep, a leisurely bubble bath, a housekeeper and more money in my bank account, but this time in my life is proving without a doubt to be priceless. Exhausting, but priceless nonetheless.
In the midst of all the chaos that surrounds me, I cannot help but feel as if I am the luckiest woman in the world. Not only do I have 2 beautiful and healthy daughters, but a loving, devoted and supportive husband, a wonderful church family and lots of love and support from family and friends. What more could I ask for? Well, besides a winning lottery ticket and a long vacation!
Through the hard times in my life I learned a very valuable lesson�be grateful for all blessings and never take them for granted. So, here I am taking a moment to express my gratitude for the awesome blessings in my life and to let you know you are not alone as you attempt to make sense of the chaos that inevitably surrounds family life.
If you like me, find some days (and nights) endless as you are surrounded by dirty dishes, diapers, endless laundry, and a never ending to do list, remember that this too shall pass. This time in your life will pass quickly, so take the time to enjoy that sweet baby smell, their spontaneous smiles and giggles, ballgames, story time, their hugs, kisses and midnight feedings. One day, sooner then you may think, life as you know it will be a distant memory as your children move on to lives of their own. Hopefully, if they are fortunate enough, the cycle will continue as they too experience everything from dirty diapers to pet butterflies.