A Mother’s Day Box: Made by Kids – A Totally Fun and Sentimental Idea for Any Mother

With the approach of May thoughts turn to Mother’s Day. Like other special days, some families tend to have established traditions. Such traditions might include breakfast in bed, the purchase of favorite flowers, eating at favorite restaurants, or performing certain chores. Others struggle with what to do to make the day special for mom. This particular craft fits the bill. Mothers, grandmothers, and others will enjoy this delightful idea.

-Materials are easily accessible
-Children can make this with adult supervision
-Mothers love sentimental gifts and this fits the bill

Shoe Box
Pictures (real or from magazines)
Spray Varnish
Thread or Ribbon
Safety Pin
Small Candle
One Pencil or Pen
Kleenex Tissue
One Rock

�· Cut pictures in different shapes and glue to outside of shoebox. Make sure to cover the entire box. Pictures can be those cut from magazines or pictures of
special memories collected over time.
�· Take the box outside and place on newspaper.
�· Lightly spray the entire box using spray varnish.
�· Wait for the box to dry.
�· Place special items inside
�· Write or cut out the following to include in the box with the special items-
From My Heart I Give You …
A band-Aid so you will always take care of my cuts and bruises no matter how old I might be.
A kiss so you will remember I always love your kisses even when I pretend not to.
A lifesaver because I know you will always fight for me.
A ribbon as a reminder of how we will always be tied together no matter what the distance may be.
A candle because I know I am the “light of your life” and you are the “light of my life.”
A pencil or pen as a reminder that I will try to always stay in touch.
A safety pin because you represent safety and security for me.
A rock because you are the stability in my life.
A tissue for you to be able to wipe my tears when I am upset and sad.

Ways to Improvise:
Use for Father’s Day
Add other items to the box
Use laminating paper in the place of spray varnish
Decorate with flowers or other items

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