A Parent’s Perspective on Holy Cross High School, Delran, NJ

Holy Cross High School is located at 5035 Route 130 South, in the township of Delran, New Jersey, also part of southern New Jersey. (The school’s main number is 856/461-5400.) Founded in 1957, it is a relatively ‘young’ high school, only now being able to draw from its alumnae base for support. The co-educational Catholic high school serves the Diocese of Trenton, New Jersey and all of the surrounding parishes of Burlington County and all of Southern New Jersey as well. Holy Cross is fully accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. The school itself is located on a sweeping 100 acre campus on the southbound side of Route 130, approximately six miles south of the city of Burlington, New Jersey and eight miles north of Camden. Although most of its 2,300 students are drawn from Burlington County itself, others make a 30 miles one-way journey daily; the school is home to twenty different townships from throughout the state and Pennsylvania.
Incorporated into the religious beliefs of the Roman Catholic Church are the educational standards of the state of New Jersey. High academic standards are held for students; nearly every year in its history, Holy Cross has honored at least one (usually several) National Merit SemiFinalists and Commended Students. The Class of 2005, for instance, had a 100% rate of students going on to two/four year colleges and received a total of $14,000,000 in scholarship monies! Not to be outdone athletically, Holy Cross (which is always one of the top, ir not the top) parochial high schools on the football field and hosts a total of forty year-round sports teams. There are generally twenty to thirty student activity clubs as well annually, offering activities ranging from the Math Tutors, student body representatives, Student Human Relations Club, the Intercultural Club, the Knowledge Bowl, the Chess Club, cheerleading squads, dance squads, Photography club, yearbook staff, and many, many more.
What did we (our daughter and ourselves, as parents) love most about The Cross? Actually, it was such a wonderful experience overall that I would be hardpressed to name just one of its many qualities. We loved the small teacher to student ratio; we loved the school’s Interdisciplinary system, which helped students recognize the ‘error of their ways’, so to speak, and rather than merely exacting discipline, helped the students to learn from their mistakes. We loved the ‘small town’ feel of the school, where everybody knew your name and that of your child. We admired the manners, the simple, plain common courtesy extended by the students. (I remember maneuvering my way through a crowded hallway at my daughter’s first high school, being bumped and pushed by students scurrying to get to their next classes. At Holy Cross, my first experience navigating the hallways during change of class was incredibly different. Students parted to allow adults to pass; one brawny young man who accidentally bumped into me actually said “Excuse me!”) We admired the dedication and commitment of Holy Cross’ staff, from its office workers, guidance department, administration and regular teaching staff; a very high percentage of the current teaching staff are Holy Cross High graduates who came ‘home’ to teach after college. Frankly, their salaries are generally lower at The Cross in comparison with other New Jersey school districts, but they chose to teach there because of their own personal experiences and love for the school itself. We were amazed at their athletic prowess, with first-class, top notch teams whose students had many scholarship offers upon graduation. (A young man who was the football team’s quarterback in 2004 received well over fifty offers from schools around the country for a full scholarship.) Many of their female athletes are equally rewarded for outstanding work on the playing fields and courts as well. Because of the school’s size, most athletes actually start their careers out at the junior varsity level, while a high number are automatically moved directly to the varsity team positions.
I think if I had to chose one quality that most impressed us was the school’s position of having a Vice Principal for Student Life, Mr. David McKenzie. An incredibly kind, gifted, perceptive, caring and possibly long-suffering individual, Mr. McKenzie’s duties were to see that each and every student fully partakes of all that Holy Cross has to offer them during their high school years. He was a mediator, a negotiator, truly a man for all seasons whose wit and wisdom were deeply appreciated.
Tuition at Holy Cross High School is in the range of $7,500 annually; there are funds available for student aid, student loans, quarterly payment options and scholarships as well. The school is currently completing a $1,500,000 renovation to its gym, its library/media center, and the school’s exterior. Funds were raised largely by a swelling group of alumnae who wish to give back to the school which has given so much to them and their families.
Would I recommend considering a high school career (even if you are not of the Roman Catholic faith) at Holy Cross High School? Absolutely, and unconditionally. As a family, we consider our oldest daughter’s high school at Holy Cross to have been an incredibly positive experience, one that will remain with her for the rest of her life. Mr. Jerry McConnell is the Director of Admissions at Holy Cross High School; give him a call at 856/461-5400 to schedule your personal tour of this truly wonderful institution.