A Product Review of Hope’s Perfect Glass Cleaner

I don’t do windows! Well, I don’t like doing windows. No matter how hard I scrub I always end up with streaks. My windows look fine until the next morning when the sun shines through them, showing every single swipe of my cleaning rag!

I have found a product that has put an end to my window cleaning woes. It’s called Hope’s Perfect Glass. It comes in a 32 ounce black spray bottle which has a nozzle that sprays out of 2 sides and has an “X” meaning it is closed on the other two sides. The spray handle reads “I hate glass cleaners, except this one!” Jill H.

Product Claims

* Ammonia free
* 100% streak free
* Leaves no residue
* Leaves glass looking perfect
* Leaves no haze on glass


Spray entire surface until thoroughly wet. Wipe dry with paper towels, changing towels frequently. (Note: some brands of paper towels cause streaks, for best results use Scott towels).

My Experience

I think I have finally found the ultimate glass and mirror cleaner! I was skeptical, and wasn’t sure that I wanted to pay $6.00 for this bottle of Hope’s Perfect Glass, but I am so glad I did. The liquid is clear, with a pleasant but slightly alcohol scent. It easily removes finger prints, bug guts and other such spots that make my large livingroom window look so dirty. Our dog loves to lay on the back of the couch and look out the window, and she gets her nose prints all over the glass – this has always been a headache to clean up, but not any longer! The spray comes out in a fine mist, and the cleaner sticks to the windows quite well. Some cleaners tend to run quickly to the bottom of the window, making me rush through the entire chore!

I don’t like wiping my windows with paper towels, because I feel they leave residue on my windows. Instead I used cotton cloths (old diapers actually) that have been washed and dried without any softener. It’s important that your towels not have any residue from dryer sheets on them as this makes them very ineffective.

Using Hope’s requires a little bit more elbow grease, especially since the directions say to wet the surface thoroughly. I usually need to use two cotton cleaning cloths, one to remove most of the cleaning liquid and one to dry the windows to a spotless shine.

There are no ingredients listed on the bottle, but the company website states that Hope’s Perfect Glass is ammonia free, pleasantly scented, and nontoxic. It is gentle on hands, safe for food preparation surfaces and will not harm tinted windows. It does not contain any harsh chemicals or solvents.

I have never seen this product before, the black bottle reads “NEW!” on the front, so I don’t know how long it has been on the market. The Hope company has been in existence since 1973. Hope’s Perfect Glass is endorsed by the Cooking Club of America. I found this glass cleaner in my Bed Bath & Beyond store.

I have been extremely pleased with it’s performance on both glass and mirrors. I won’t be buying any other glass cleaners!! Thank you Hope Company!

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