A Quick Look into Conspiracy Theories Over the Years

It is rare that anyone presents the possibility that extraterrestrials are malevolent, even in light of the facts that abductees have all affirmed they were taken against their will, that they were powerless to protect themselves from various prodding, poking, and penetration. How can people deny that kidnapping and assault are sinister, even if the acts are committed by aliens? Many have pieced together conspiracy theories involving the Trilateral Commission, or MJ12, or secret societies, and many people are suspicious of the activities of so-called “aliens”, but they fail to take their own observations as to the degree of evil involved to the logical, spiritual, conclusion.

There is ample evidence that the government is involved with extraterrestrials. The involvement is global and the goings on don’t merely “seem” evil, they are. Any secretive military undertaking, ( for example, “deadly force authorized” posted at Area 51), at taxpayer expense, especially during non-wartime, can be characterized as sinister. There are witnesses to confirm that Ufos are spotted near military installations all over the world, that there are military bases hidden underground all over the US, and that some people even hear a disturbing HUM in the southwestern US that can only be attributed to some massive underground project in the military bases of Nevada and New Mexico. What is your gut feeling about what the govt. is trying to hide, why the need for massive security when the Cold War is over?

Do you really doubt that our govt. is capable of making a deal with a supposed alien race?…a deal of, say, allowing these non-humans to take animals and humans, for experiments, genetic engineering, or merely to strike fear into their victims, for whatever purpose, in exchange for technology surpassing our own puny human achievements? Extraterrestrials and the humans who deal with them have proven themselves unworthy of trust, and the actions of both are indicative of nothing less than a malevolent conspiracy.

Much of the ufo activity in the public forum has been designed by the extraterrestrials themselves to convey a seemingly benign agenda. Conspicuous Ufo sightings occurred at the advent of our atomic age. Further sightings occurred at airforce bases with nuclear capabilities in the 1970’s in which all control of the weapons was lost, and trajectories were reprogrammed. These encounters were staged to show that nonhumans were in control of such weapons of destruction. Conceivably, having such capabilities, if they were going to destroy humans or takeover the earth, they would have done so already. By feigning a disinclination towards domination, extraterrestrials show they recognize what humans would call good and evil, that they have a spiritual awareness. It is this issue, the spiritual aspect of the so- called aliens, not the debate over technology, evolution or space travel, that is the most consequential.

The nonhumans offer several convincing rationalizations as to why the upper echelons of government should befriend extraterrestrials . They claim to be a physically weakened race who merely need to join their DNA with more integral human DNA to survive, that they are refugees from a dying planet who need the help of sympathetic earthlings. If these explanations don’t succeed in appeasing the humanitarians in government, the humanistic approach, popular within the New Age and Human Potential movement, is likely to be persuasive. Currently, the group of beings referred to as “aliens” are portraying themselves as disparate elements of the paranormal. Aliens, walk-ins, ascended masters, spirit guides, channelled beings and natural forces like Gaia, all are imparting a similar message of impending disaster and a need for the humanity to unite. The “aliens” claim to be preparing the earth for a massive evolutionary shift of consciousness, a paradigm shift, while also continuing the education that they maintain is crucial if the human race is to be spared destruction. The extraterrestrials are feigning good intentions by warning humans of their potential fate, and the offer to assist humans is all but altruistic in that it is designed to unite mankind under their authority, according to plan.

Extraterrestrials have a plausible explanation as to why, against the odds, they evolved to look humanoid, why they would take such an interest in helping humankind, and why the government should support their plan to live in underground military bases for now, conducting secret experiments and gradually getting the public used to the idea of aliens, so as not to cause mass panic and hysterical backlash. Extraterrestrials claim to be the ancient progenitors of the human race.

Extraterrestrials have had thousands, even millions of years to implement their deception. Ingeniously, these nonhumans have used that time to insinuate, into every culture, references to an elder race who have long been guiding humans. Extraterrestrials have explained that the experimental humans they engineered into existence so long ago had never before emotionally matured, nor had they spiritually evolved to a sufficient level for contact with the “creators”. It was necessary, the extraterrestrials maintain, to educate humans through various techniques that have been given to the spiritual leaders of human history. Humans needed to develop a greater capacity for spiritual understanding before they could receive total enlightenment.

The spiritual evolution of mankind has been guided since the beginning by nonhuman intelligences whose agenda has been to infiltrate, and even instigate, religious traditions in all cultures. The similarities between many distinct culture’s mythology have been the subject of speculation from Velikovsky and Sitchen, have been cited as evidence of “racial memory” by Jungians like Joseph Campbell, but have never been studied literally as accounts of actual supernatural events as interpreted by the human observer. Legends of cultures ranging from Babylonian to Hindu to Native American are laden with beings who possess superior technology, who are spiritual beings enjoying worship and reverence in exchange for distributing wisdom. Societies have always had a caste whose main occupation is interaction with the god-like beings who appear in dreams, trances, and mysteriously travel in the clouds.

Since extraterrestrials have always been in contact with humans, such sources as the Koran,and the more revelatory Bible, yield vital information to even the purely secular student. It is now more essential than ever that humans realize the true nature of extraterrestrials, not merely accept the explanations devised by the beings themselves. The message from the spirit beings currently most widely referred to as aliens is becoming more urgent and more specific. Formerly, extraterrestrial interference had been subtle and covert, but, as the extraterrestrials claim, human spirituality has finally reached a sufficient level, and now that the planet is in peril from human technology , it is time to prepare for more aggressive contact. The government has already accepted the messages of the so-called “good and bad” ETs, and they have already prepared for our reaction to the upcoming revelation.

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