A Quick Method for Keeping Your Bathroom Sparkling Clean

One of my least favorite cleaning jobs is: dun dun dun – cleaning the bathroom. The reason most people hate to clean the bathroom is that it is just plain yucky. Therefore, the very best time to clean the bathroom is just before you take a bath. A few times a month (pick days that you would normally wash your hair too), tackle “the john”. You can get on your hands and knees to wipe the floor, swish the toilet without worrying you will splash yourself, work up a sweat and give the sink a swipe too because you will be taking a bath in a few minutes anyway.

Keep cleaning supplies under your sink or even in your tub on your shampoo rack. All you really need is a mirror-cleaning product, a disinfectant spray (for the counter, floor and outside toilet bowl), and a product for scrubbing like Ajax. If you have a fiberglass tub, only use products recommended for it as products like a scrubber could scratch the surface and make it impossible to look clean again. Start by using a clean white washcloth and spray the mirror then wipe it down. Spray the countertops with the disinfectant and wipe it down. Rinse the washcloth, sprinkle scrubber in the sink, and scrub it using the damp washcloth.

Rinse out the washcloth, wring and fold into fours. Start wiping (and spray more disinfectant) the floor. Wipe an area then refold and wipe more, fold to another clean spot wipe rest of floor. You can now toss this washcloth into the tub and later move it around with your foot to rinse it out while showering. Use the toilet brush and brush up under the rim and around the basin (adding scrubbing powder if you need it), flush, sprinkle more scrubber, swish with brush and leave it to soak. Tap the brush on the rim and return it to its holder.

You are almost done – now jump into the tub, wash your hands and wet your hair. Apply your shampoo and wash, rinse (repeat if you need to) then apply your conditioner. While you wait for the conditioner to work, rinse out the washcloth from earlier, wring it and lay it over the side of the tub to dry and later add to your bleach load.

Keep a stiff brush in your shower to use for cleaning. I use an old dish brush. Squirt shampoo (buy a cheap brand for this, it works just as well) onto the brush and scrub any tiles and grout that show grime. Shampoo is great for cutting soap scum and works as well as any other product I have tried. Then scrub edges of tub and floor of tub (careful not to slip), rinse the brush, the tub and then your hair, and you are done!

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