A Review of Nursing Homes in Syracuse, New York

The Community General Hospital of Greater Syracuse has a nursing home unit. This nursing facility is located at 4900 Broad Street and is Medicare and Medicaid certified. Community General Nursing Home has fifty certified beds for their patients. Baseline services are provided at this facility. Baseline services are the standard services performed at most nursing homes. Some of these services include twenty-four hour care, help with personal hygiene, and much more. According the New York State Department of Health, Community General Hospital of Greater Syracuse only had two complaints filed from the 2001 to 2003 years. For more information on this facility, please call the staff at (315) 492-5620.
James Square Health and Rehabilitation Center is located at 918 James Street. James Square is certified to accept Medicare and Medicaid patients. They have 455 certificated patient beds. In addition to providing baseline services, James Square Health and Rehabilitation Center care for ventilator dependent individuals. According to the New York State Department of Health, 81 complaints were filed against this facility for the years 2001 to 2003. For more information on the James Square Health Center, please call (315) 474-1561.
The Loreto Health and Rehabilitation Center is located at 700 East Brighton Avenue. They are Medicare and Medicaid certified and have 520 patient beds. This facility specializes in baseline services and clinical laboratory services. Form 2001 to 2003, the New York State Department of Health had 80 complaints filed against this facility. For more information on the Loreto Health and Rehabilitation Center, please call (315) 469-5570.
Rosewood Heights Health Center is a Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing facility that is located at 614 South Crouse Avenue. They provide the standard baseline services for all patients and have a total of 242 certified beds. The New York State Department of Health had 127 complaints filed against the Rosewood Heights Health Center for the years 2001 to 2003. For more information on this nursing home facility, please call (315) 474-4431.
The St. Camillus Resident Health Care Facility is located at 813 Fay Road and is Medicaid and Medicare certified. This faculty has a total of 290 certified patient beds; however, twenty of them are used for those with traumatic brain injuries. The St. Camillus Resident Health Care Facility performs baseline services and diagnostic radiology for all patients, if needed. For the 2001 to 2003 years, the New York State Department of Health received reports of 74 complaints. For more information on the St. Camillus Resident Health Care Facility, please contact the staff at (315) 488-2951.
Sunnyside Care Center is a certified Medicaid and Medicare nursing facility. They are located at 7000 Collamer Road. They are certified to perform baseline services and have a total of 80 patient beds available. According the to New York State Department of Health’s web page, the Sunnyside Care Center received a total of 30 complaints from 2001 to 2003.
The Vivian Teal Howard Residential Health Care Facility is located at 116 East Castle Street. This nursing facility is Medicare and Medicaid certified and they have a total of 160 residential healthcare beds. They are able to perform baseline services and adult day health care for their patients. The Vivian Teal Howard Residential Health Care Facility received 135 complaints at the New York State Department of Health for 2001 to 2003. For more information on this care facility, please contact the staff at (315) 475-1641.
Whether you plan to send a family member to a nursing facility in Syracuse or another facility across in the country, be sure to check references and think your decision through. The number of complaints recorded against a facility do not necessarily mean the facility is not properly run or safe. Many of the complaints may have been dismissed once investigated. Most of the information for this article was obtained from the New York State Department of Health’s website, http://www.health.state.ny.us. If you live outside of New York, it is advisable that you contact your local or state health department for additional information. Deciding who will care for you loved one is an extremely important decision and is one that should not be rushed. Before you send your relative into a home, please do the proper research.