A Review of the Bissell Easy Vac

My Bissell Easy Vac is lightweight and bag less, which was one of the major selling points for me, as I don’t enjoy a fruitless search for vacuum cleaner bags. I was also drawn to the color, as what girl does not love purple? The price was also a contributing factor in my decision. As I only have three carpeted rooms, which are vacuumed about once a week, I was not interested in spending a small fortune on an item that would never leave the second floor of my home, or be used a lot.
I bought my Bissell Easy Vac for forty dollars, and it was easy to assemble. I am not the most technical person, so the fact I had it assembled and in operation in less than forty five minutes really impressed me. I like that this vacuum is lightweight, it weighs about eight pounds, and that the filter is easily cleaned.
However, my Bissell Easy Vac does not perform as well as I would have expected of a Bissell product. Granted I only paid forty dollars for it, but I had hoped it would effectively clean my carpeted floors. I have noticed the few times I have used it, that this vacuum cleaner is quite noisy and it is also notorious for basically blowing half of the dust, dirt and dog hair around instead of sucking it up. This is frustrating, and often times I rely on my Bissell 3 way bag less broom vacuum to finish the vacuuming, where the Bissell Easy Vac just blows everything about.
If I had it to do over again I would not have purchased this vacuum, and I would have spent a little more money on a vacuum to insure I would be satisfied with the performance that the vacuum offers. Aside from the poor quality of this vacuum I still love the color and I also like how light it is. Maybe when I replace my carpet the vacuum will satisfy my needs more, but I doubt it. I guess the old saying is true, you pay for what you get.