A Simple Step by Step Guide to Cleaning Your Bathroom

Your bathroom is germy, and if you share it with boys, disgusting. But it has to be cleaned. Ignoring it doesn’t make it go away (unfortunately) I’m here to help, I have a knack for these things. Let me tell you I hate vacuuming. Doing chores growing up I used to BEG to clean the bathrooms just to get out of vacuuming, I don’t know why– its just a weird hatred of mine! But all those years of cleaning bathrooms has helped me develop a quick and efficient way of cleaning the bathroom!

First off, make a paste with a little Ajax and water. With a scrubbing brush, scrub down the bathtub and shower. Really scrub! Get in there, hands and knees, with your work face on and scrub like mad. Quick aggressive small circles. Get in there and attack the grout! For tile I like Scrubbing Bubbles and a rag. Once its scrubbed rinse it with the shower head. Now, I plug up the tub and let it fill up, then I add about a cup of bleach. Let it soak, we’ll come back to it later.

Now I move on to the light fixture. I removed them, and wash them in warm soapy water, and change the bulbs if need be. While I rinse the dirty water down the drain, I am also rinsing out and cleaning the sink of all those annoying tooth paste blobs and globs of hair. Next I use a multi purpose spray and spray down every surface in the bathroom. Mirrors, counters, shelves, toilet seat, and tank, and the lip of the tub. Then I attack with my rag.

I start with the top of the mirrors and work my way down to the counter. Scrub, scrub, scrub around the faucet and handles, pick up tooth brush holders and soap dispensers, and give them a good wipe down with the already multi purpose cleaner saturated rag! Wipe down shelves, removing knick knacks etcetera, give them a quick swipe and replacing them. Move on to the toilet. Wipe down all surfaces, including the handle! Get down and clean the bottom of the toilet, the parts that connect to the floor and wall, all the crevices! Replace the toilet paper!

Sprinkle a little Ajax in the toilet and leave it to soak. Sweep up, and don’t forget under the cabinets, along baseboards, and behind the toilet. Drain the tub.

You’ll see that the tub soak in a little bleach water has gotten some of the stains out while you worked! Refill with luke warm water and a fourth cup (I always just eyeball it) of my favorite floor cleaner Fabuloso! Swish the mop around in it to stir it up. Hang the bathmat over the curtain rod and mop, using the bathtub as your mop bucket. That huge vat of scented water also freshens up the bathroom! When you’re done drain the tub again and rinse it with the shower head. Give the toilet a good scrub, flush and while its flushing scrub a little more. When its finished give one final flush!

Make sure the finishing touches, like folded fluffy towels, clean toothbrush holders, and dusted picture frames are all in order. Give the room a quick sweep with Lysol Disinfectant Spray and you’re good to go! You’ve got a fresh and sparkling clean bathroom!

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