A Simple Trick to Find a Small Lost Item

Have you ever lost a small gem in some carpeting? Or maybe a contact lens popped out of your eye and landed on the floor? If you have lost a small item and you can find it while you are down on your hands and knees here is an easy trick to try to find the small lost item you are looking for. To perform this simple trick all you need is a vacuum cleaner and some pantyhose. This is a simple easy procedure that can help you find a small item valuable or not.

The sooner you try to find the small item the better chance you will have at a successful recovery of your small item since people shuffling around can move your small item and make it more difficult to find. If looking for the tiny article on your hands and knees proves to be unsuccessful then try to find it with this trick.

Get a pair of pantyhose and cut off one of the legs of the pantyhose. When you do this make sure the toe of the pantyhose is well in tack with no holes or runs in it. Get your vacuum cleaner out and slip the pantyhose over the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner hose. Then take a rubber band and place it over the pantyhose on the vacuum hose so that the rubber band holds the pantyhose securely on the vacuum cleaner hose. If you want to have added protection that your small article won’t go down the vacuum cleaner hose then you can cut off the other leg of the pantyhose and put it on the hose of the vacuum cleaner too. That way you will have double the protection when you are trying to find your small item.

After you have the pantyhose in place turn the vacuum on and move it along the floor. Check the pantyhose every so often to see if you have captured the small item in the vacuum hose.

This trick is great and doesn’t cost much to accomplish it since you just use some pantyhose and your vacuum. You can use old pantyhose if there are no holes in the toes of the pantyhose.

Next time you or someone you know is on there hands and knee making an attempt to find some small item try this trick and see if it can help find your lost article.

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