A Tummy Tub Full of Baby

Parents know what fun bathing baby typically is. Proper achievement of the desired result requires three hands minimum plus athleticism enough to repeatedly catch and hold something similar to a great floppy fish. With the Tummy Tub, bathing baby is simple. Well, simpler, anyway.
Like all great ideas, the Tummy Tub is both simple and simplifies. Essentially a large clear bucket, the Tummy Tub’s shape is designed so that baby adopts a fetal position within it; this, combined with warm water, relaxes baby quickly. Here’s how the Tummy Tub works: Put in a bit of warm water in the Tummy Tub, plunk baby in, and viola! (Remember to support younger tykes’ head under the chin.) Of course, this is all theoretical, right? Bathing baby is never easy.
Well, let me tell you this: The Tummy Tub works, and it really is that simple. Trust me, my wife and i have tried every baby care maintenance thingamabob you can imagine; in fact, I’ve developed a new theory regarding evil marketers and easily malleable first-time moms, but that’s another story. Amidst the blur of feeding devices (would you believe a man can attach a tube through which milk flows to his nipple?), exoskeleton-like baby carriers and inappropriate clothing, it was love at first sight for this father and the Tummy Tub.
The love affair continues to this day. The Tummy Tub is made of sturdy plastic, is easily stored and transportable, has no moving parts, requires no fastening or snapping, is cleaned with mild detergent in a minute or two, and best of all eliminates to contend with that cute little struggling salmon. There’s no way this can possibly be a mass-market baby product, but somehow it is. If you can get around actually saying “Tummy Tub,” you’ll be recommending it in no time.
At nine months, our little girl has just now outgrown her Tummy Tub. No matter: the next one’s certain to be a Tummy Tub baby, too.