ABC’s of Real Desperate Housewives

But what about real desperate housewives? What makes them so desperate?
First of all, remember the characters on the television show is just that characters. I mean how many ex-models, married to super rich guys (before he was put in jail) lives in a suburban home? If they had the kind of money to buy diamonds, sports car and designer clothes, don’t you think they would live in a mansion of sorts?
What kind of people do live in the suburbs, hard working couples, upper middle class people. Many of the women, (like the character Lynnette) do work outside the home, some work part-time and others works full-time. But not all the women choose this route. Some are stay at home mom’s.
All of these mothers love their children. Yet, at times, they are at the end of their ropes. Their children have a lot more to face then they did as children. Drugs are more readily available and violence are even in their schools. They worry about their teenage children, especially. They tend to be a bit spoiled. They want them to have more than they did growing up and these women aren’t so old that they don’t remember how important it was to be able to dress like the neighbor and to have the same types of toys. These are mothers who basically grew up in the 80’s, a time when material things did matter.
And what about the ones with little children? Like all mothers, they love this special time in their child’s life. Yet, they get tired running after them all day. That is why it is nice when neighbors take turns babysitting for each other’s children for an hour here and there. The women need a break. And their husbands, doesn’t always get it. They think their wives are invincible and can handle everything, car pool, doctor’s appointments, dinner parties for the boss and his wife, soccer practice and still have time to be sexy for them.
Speaking of sex, this is another thing that makes some suburbia housewives desperate. They want to have it. They are young vital women, at their sexual peak. But it is difficult for them. They have so many duties, so many chores to do and their husbands are busy, too. It is hard to find the time when they both are in sync, and the children are occupied.
And yes, they are also desperate enough to think about affairs. Sure, if they had a sexy, young gardener they would fantasize and wonder. Some do stray, too. Some of their husbands also has been known to stray. This causes some of the couples to divorce, others just pretend they don’ t know. But most of the couples don’t cheat. They respect what they have and wouldn’t want to risk it.
Housewives in suburbia are just like housewives, anywhere. They are desperate for their children to be healthy, happy and safe. They are desperate for some time for themselves, for some romance with their husbands. They are desperate for their husbands to have good health, a good job, for him to stay happy with her and for him to love and want her.
If they had the time they would also say the are desperate for world peace. But they hardly have the time to watch their favorite shows like ABC’s Desperate Housewives and wonder could their new neighbors also be hiding secrets in their basement, too?