AC Content:Top Ten Home Improvement Articles of 2006

2. How to get your Laundry done faster by Kassidy Emmerson. I love this article because it helped me save so much time with my family. She offers many useful tips on where your waisting time. With having 2 adults and 3 children being able to cut corners on laundry time is a huge help. Some of these great ideas I have never even thought of. This was a huge help for me.
3. Different Uses for Pancake Syrup by Josh West. This is one of my favorites because who would have thought there are different uses for pancake syrup other then eating it on your pancakes. You can use this as a bug repellent to helping a sore throat. I would have never thought about this in a million years.
4. Tips for Staying Warm While Cutting Heating cost by Marie B. This is a great article about how you can stay warm during the cold months without raising your heat bill more then it is. Some of these tips can really help you. Some of them are just common since, but some are things you would even think would make a difference.
5. How to Patch Small Holes in your Drywall by Daniel Holish. This is a great article and offers you step by step instruction on how to patch your walls without having to replace your whole entire wall.
6. Makeover your Kid’s Bedroom or Children’s Bedrooms by Renee B. This article offers some great tips to help re-do your child’s room, or if you are expecting another child it can help you learn how to combine children in one room. Most of the ideas in this article do not cost much money if you do it the right way.
7. The Joy of Caulking: How a $20.00 investment can save you Hundreds. This is a very informative article written by this man. He shows us many uses on caulk. These uses will save you a ton of money in the long run.
8. Cheep Fixes to Increase the Value of Your Home by Brandi Thornsberry. Yes I’m placing my own article in my top ten list. Why, well because its a great article. In this article there are some great cheep tips to help you sell your home. Some things people don’t think will help, are the best selling points.
9. Give Houseplants TLC in the Winter by Donna. This article falls well in this top ten list since its cold out now. Many people don’t realize indoor plants need extra care when it’s cold outside.
10. How to Winterize your home by Manda Spring. These are some great tips that are not repeats. I have read so many things over and over I know them by heart. This article offers some new ones I didn’t think of.