AVON SSS: 100 Ways to Use AVON Skin So Soft

When we think of AVON Skin So Soft, we usually picture a green AVON bottle with SSS on the front. It has been used by millions of women to keep their skin soft and shiny. Over the years, AVON Skin So Soft got a reputation for repelling mosquitoes better then half of the store bought repellents. Since then it has been used by many men while working, fishing and while performing other outdoor activities. Over the years, many AVON SSS users and representative have found several uses other a your typical body oil and mosquito repellent. Here are 100 ways to use AVON SSS Oil!

~ It can be used daily to remove makeup and mascara.

~ Helps to relieve dry, itchy skin.

~ Cleans of adhesive marks from band-aids and medical tape.

~ Cleans pen ink, markers and some paint off of your skin.

~ Great for getting a tan. Caution: There is no SPF in AVON SSS.

~ Soothes light sunburns.

~ Great for mechanics to use while washing their hands. It cuts grease along with moisturizing.

~ Heals cracked skin with in 2-3 days.

~ Put 2 capfuls in liquid soap and us it as a shaving crPme. It will help prevent razor burn.

~ Pour 2 capfuls in to your foot soaker to moisturize them while you relax.

~ Removes Chewing gum from hair and skin.

~ Helps to retain your skins elasticity. Great for preventing stretch marks!

~ Use cotton ball dipped in AVON SSS to keep ants out. Rub the cotton ball around window seals and doors.

~ KILLS LICE Safely! Fully saturate hair with AVON SSS. Let it set for 15 minutes! Wash thoroughly! You may want to wash the hair 2-3 times to get the oily look out. AJAX dish detergent works great with just one wash to get the oil out!

~ In many cases, AVON SSS has helped to soothe psoriasis.

~ Keep spiders out by wiping all wood framed doors and windows with AVON SSS.

~ Removes glue and other adhesives from glass, metals and most plastics.

~ Remove soap scum from shower doors and shower curtains, along with bathroom fixtures by using SSS as you would your other cleaners.

~ Great for using on pipe joints that will not slip together.

~ Cleans ink off most vinyl and painted surfaces.

~ Cleans most heavy oil and grease from non-porous surfaces.

~ Removes crayons from appliances and other hard surfaces.

~ Wash cupboards by using 1 capful in your wash water to prevent ants getting into your cupboards.

~ Use on your air conditioner filter to help freshen your home.

~ Cleans paintbrushes and leaves them soft

~ Use on your air conditioner filter to help freshen your home.

~ Cleans paintbrushes and leaves them soft.

~ Removes gum for carpets and car interiors.

~ Removes scuff marks from your favorite patent leather shoes.

~ It removes “ring around the collar”.

~ Removes liquid nail (paneling glue).

~ Removes candle wax from carpets, furniture, and clothing.

~ Spray AVON SSS around and in trash cans and on the lids to prevent maggots and other insects.

~ Add 1 capful of AVON SSS to fertilizer sprayers and spray lawn to prevent ants and other insects.

~ Use on silk flowers to keep there color and make them easier to dust.

~ Put AVON SSS in spray bottle to use to kill spiders.

~ After killing hornets and removing nest, spray area with AVON SSS to prevent them from re-nesting in the same area.

~ Cleans leather and keeps it soft.

~ Rub AVON SSS on Hummingbird feeders to prevent bees from hanging out. Note: Do not put the AVON SSS on the spouts as it may harm the Hummingbirds.

~ Use small amount on a soft cloth to polish furniture.

~ Use on running rails to make sliding glass doors and windows to make them slide easier.

~ Bowls or glasses stuck together? Use a small amount and drizzle in between the sides to make them come apart.

~ Spray light amount on your air conditioner filter for easier cleaning.

~ Cuts grease and cleans dirt from range hoods and counter tops.

~ Use as a fabric softener by adding 1 capful to laundry water.

~ Spray on Orchids and other flowers to help retain moisture and keep bugs away.

~ Kill ant beds by spray AVON SSS directly on to the ant beds.

~ Clean baseball caps by spraying with AVON SSS and rubbing away the dirt and oil.

~ Keep tomato worms away by spraying every 2-3 days with 1 part AVON SSS, and 2 parts water.

~ Clean cherry wood cabinets

~ Use AVON SSS to kill fleas.

~ Use to freshen hands after working with farm animals or eating seafood.

~ Black Fly Spray for Dogs: 1 cup AVON SSS, �½ cup of liquid dish detergent, 3 gallons of water. May be used to spray or dip dogs in.

~ Use 1 gallon of water and 1 capful of AVON SSS to dip dogs in, to relieve dry skin.

~ Use as a moisturizer for pets. Great for Chows.

~ Dilute AVON SSS with Water and keep around the barn and pasture to keep flys and bugs away.

~ Removes lime and hard water deposits from fixtures and shower heads.

~ Takes fur off clothing

~ Rub on brass ornaments or figurines to keep them from turning black.

~ Use AVON SSS to remove crayon off of painted walls.

~ Relaxing bath soak: Add a few capfuls to warm water for relaxing bath. Moisturizes skin too!

~ Remove tar spots from you car with out causing damage.

~ Use to remove Love Bugs.

~ Wipe down your cars interior and dash to prevent cracking.

~ Use AVON SSS to soften fur of animals.

~ Use rub small amounts on horses’ ears to prevent bug bites and flies.

~ Wipe out your ash trays with small amounts of AVON SSS to remove smoke smells.

~ Before traveling rub AVON SSS on headlights and grill. This will help to wash them off later. Be sure to wipe any excess of prior to traveling.

~ Shine your tires using AVON SSS.

~ Cleans oil and grease off of skin.

~ Removes paint from hands.

~ Put a small amount of AVON SSS on a cloth or towelette to use as an air freshener.

~ Clean your ink stamps by using AVON SSS to remove ink build up or previously used colors.

~ Use with Shampoo to condition hair and give it a natural looking shine.

~ Use when braiding horse manes to prevent fly-aways and give it a healthy shine.

~ Use as a detangler on animals and children.

~ Use AVON SSS to safely remove pine sap from skin, cars, outdoor furniture, ect.

~ Use to remove tar or asphalt from animals paws and pads.

~ Use a few drops of AVON SSS in a full bucket of mop water to prevent bugs and ants from getting into your home.

~ Great for killing and repelling earwigs.

~ Use to clean windows.

~ Spray on screen doors and window screens to prevent small gnats and no-see-ums from getting through.

~ Use AVON SSS as a fragrance while making candles.

~ Spray on urine stains before washing to prevent smells.

~ Spray AVON SSS into the air to deodorizer.

~ Spray canvas lawn furniture with AVON SSS to help repel insects.

~ Use 1 capful in landscape ponds to keep them from becoming hatching grounds. Do not use if you have fish in the pond.

~ Wipe down the base of your bird bath to keep insects away.

~ Wipe down your favorite scare crow with AVON SSS to keep insects out of the garden.

~ Spray small metal or wood stakes down with AVON SSS and put them through out the garden to keep deer, rabbits, raccoons and other animals out.

~ Spray your favorite bushes to avoid animal invasions.

~ Spray recreation areas prior to events to avoid insects.

~ Put a small cloth sprays with AVON SSS inside your ball cap to repel insects.

~ If your car is hit by a grocery buggy and the rubber sticks to your car, use AVON SSS to remove it.

~ Pour a few drops into your trash can before placing outside to help prevent odors.

~ Rub AVON SSS around the base of your toilets to help prevent smells.

~ Use AVON SSS to polish plastic pieces on car trim and bring them back to their original color.

~ Use in nursing homes to help cut odors.Use as a hoof polish.

~ Spray the inside of your Diaper Genie with AVON SSS to help further prevent odors.

Now you have 100 uses for AVON SSS! There will surely be more to come over the years as more people discover new ways to use it!

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