AZO Standard

AZO Standard works fairly well to treat the pain and burning that comes with urinary tract infections, although not as well as a stronger prescription does. Unfortunately, the symptom euphemistically described as “urgency” (which really means that your urinary tract infection is going to make you pee your pants if you don’t get to a toilet now) doesn’t go away with AZO Standard.
Your urinary tract infection will not go away just by taking AZO Standard; you need to go to the doctor to get antibiotics to actually kill the bacteria causing the urinary tract infection. All you can expect from AZO Standard is a bit of relief while you wait for your appointment.
Much like the prescription version, AZO Standard will turn your urine a lovely orange color. Avoid wearing contact lenses while taking AZO Standard because it will also turn your contacts the same orange color as your pee.
According to the warning on the package, taking AZO Standard will interfere with the results of a urine test, but my doctor had no problems testing for and diagnosing my urinary tract infection. You should take the AZO Standard package to your doctor to show her, though. My doctor wasn’t even aware that Phenazopyridine Hydrochloride was available over the counter now, and it helps your doctor know what to expect from your urine sample if it would come out abnormal as a result of the drug.
The directions on the package instruct you to take two pills three times a day, but I found that I got the same results taking two pills twice a day. AZO Standard should be taken with food, because it will make your stomach feel terrible if you don’t. You should also take the pills with a full glass of water, but you should be drinking a ton of water anyway to help your urinary tract infection. Cranberry juice also helps flush the bacteria from your urinary tract, and AZO makes a cranberry supplement if you can’t stand the taste of the juice.
A package of AZO Standard contains twelve tablets, or a two-day supply if you take them according to the directions. For only twelve pills, the price tag is pretty steep: I paid $5.99 at Meijer. I can’t complain too much, though, because a surprise urinary tract infection on a Friday night or when your doctor is out of town can make life pretty rough. AZO Standard may not be the perfect miracle drug, but it will get you through the worst of your urinary tract infection’s symptoms.