Abdominal Bloating Causes and Treatment

If you are of menstruating age or suffer from irritable bowel syndrome, you have likely experienced symptoms of bloating. In a nutshell, bloating is intestinal gas that can cause extreme discomfort and pain. Mild cases of bloating may arise before or during a woman’s monthly cycle. The discomfort is generally localized in the pelvic region. However, persons who suffer from persistent bloating may also feel pain in their sides, chest, abdomen, and so forth. Although bloating tends to happen without warning, there are easy ways to reduce and prevent symptoms. However, before this can be done, it helps to pinpoint the exact cause of abdominal bloating.

Common Causes of Bloating

� Pre-menstrual syndrome
� Excessive alcohol consumption
� High salt intake
� Large consumption of sodas
� Too little protein in diet
� Irritable bowel syndrome and other digestive tract disorders
� Food allergies
� Lactose intolerance

Tips to Reduce Symptoms of Bloating

Often times, a build up of intestinal gas can be eased by simply burping or passing gas. Occasional bloating is normal, and generally subsides within a few hours without treatment. However, if bloating prolongs for several hours or days, the following tips may assist with
relieving discomfort.

� Until the bloating lessens, avoid foods that may cause additional gas. These might include beans, fruits, vegetables, and so forth.

� If intestinal gas or bloating is the result of constipation, increase your water and fiber intake. Attempt to drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Water helps to soften stools, which relieves constipation and abdominal bloating.

� Many women experience abdominal bloating before, during, or immediately following their menstrual cycle. Over-the-counter medications such as Midol are very effective with relieving abdominal bloating and distention.

� Another common cause of intestinal bloating is irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a common condition. The extent varies, and symptoms are generally recurrent. For the most part, specific foods or drinks may trigger symptoms of IBS and bloating. Keep a food log. This will help you identify possible foods causing bloating. Furthermore, reducing stress is also effective with easing IBS symptoms.

� Persons suffering from lactose intolerance may have periodic bouts with bloating. However, symptoms can be prevented by eliminating certain foods from your diet. If you cannot live without ice cream and other dairy products, make a habit of taking medication intended to help he body break down lactose before eating.

� If all else fails, you can quickly relieve symptoms of abdominal bloating with gas relief medications such as GasX, Alka Seltzer, or Mylanta.

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