Above Ground Storage Tanks: A Primer

There are various types of above ground storage tanks, such as steel storage tanks, wooden storage tanks, glass storage tanks. Steel storage tanks are apt for storing food grains and other dry food items which are not perishable and can be stored for a long period of time. When they get damaged can be repaired through welding.
Glass storage tanks are apt for storing chemicals with high reactant ability because glass is substance which is chemical resistant. These tanks are useful in places where chemical processing is done at a large scale. These tanks are hard to repair and so these tanks come with a pipes attached on their sides through which they can be easily filled and vacated whenever the need arises. These tanks are also carefully placed around the lake or river so that during a leakage the substance stored can easily flow in the lake or the nearby river. The placement of these tanks is just a safety measure. These tanks have much strength that there are very less chances of any leakage as it is their goals to prevent any kind of leakage.
The above ground storage tanks often come with safety features such as, corrosion protection and overfilling protection. These features are automatic functions which monitor the leaking as well as the overflowing of the substance. The corrosive content of the tank are mentioned above the tanks label for safety purpose. So while choosing aboveground storage tanks ensure that you have chosen a container which is best for your product.
All the storage tanks installation must be updated or engineered according to the good engineering observations so that discharges can be avoided and at least one of the following devices must be installed:
– Alarms of high level liquid which have a visual or an audible signal and too at a consistently surveillance station or attended operation.
– There should be devices installed that cut off high level liquid so that flow can be stopped at the predetermined content level of container.
– There should be code signal or direct audible communication between the pumping station and the container gauge.