Abuses of the Disabled Parking Permit

I’m sure you have seen, like I have, people who pull their vehicle into the disabled parking spaces. They then slide the placard over the rear mirror. Or, they place the placard on their dashboard. The ‘disabled’ person then jumps out of the car and rushes to where they are going. They do not rely on crutches, a prosthesis, or wheelchair. Nor do they have anyone helping them with their walking. One comes to mind. Upon further contact, I find out the person has “a bad back”. Really?? He sure walked fast enough to get to where he was going.
This is but one example of a blatant abuse of the disabled parking permit. It is so common; it’s both sad and infuriating.
I have heard, first hand, of someone who has a disabled parking permit but goes on 5-mile walking hikes. This person also has a “bad back”. Couldn’t be from the extra 100 pounds on their frame, could it?
There are people who get the disabled parking permit to park closer to the building. They are too lazy to walk and use the fully functional legs that they have. So, they have convinced their doctor of their “pain”.
Another abuse of the disabled parking permit I have seen occurred when a woman proudly told me she gets lower rates on public services due to her ‘disability’. What was her disability I asked? “My poor health” was her reply. She told me this while drinking a soda and munching on a candy bar. “Poor health”, huh? Couldn’t be from your eating habits, could it?
Still another abuse situation involved a lady who had “trouble walking, it’s painful.” I later saw her briskly walking from store-to-store carrying her shopping bags.
There are so many more abuse stories regarding the disabled parking permit system that can be mentioned. In my opinion, it is disgusting. The flagrant abuse displays a total lack of respect for those who truly need this designation.
There are those out there who rely on a wheelchair, prostheses, and other mobility devices. They are known as disabled people. Many of them cannot simply open the car door and hop out.
I have heard of people confined to wheelchairs. There have been times they could not park in the disabled parking spaces due to those less needy abusers. Or, as they are known, the ones who are too lazy to walk.
Who is to blame? The physician for approving it? The applicant who convinces the physician? Or, the system for its leniency?
Whoever is to blame, we need to do something about the disabled parking permit abuse. The disabled and handicapped deserve more respect.