Activism in Your Spare Time

With just a few minutes a day you can be that someone and rest easily at night knowing you have contributed to changing the world.
World changing minutes:
Take ten minutes out of your day 3 days a week and write an eloquent letter to the editor. There are thousand of papers that need good letters to boost circulation.
Click on Yahoo and Google portal stories that demonstrate your point of view. Stories at the top of the list are read more often, you will be making others aware of the problem that is vexing you.
Post pictures and true stories on web sites that share your point of view.
Throw your change into a big jar every day. Donate it to a cause that will help get rid of the problem.
Gently tell someone with the opposing view what you don’t like about his stand without insulting the person. Prepare for a rebuttal…you will have planted a seed nonetheless.
Make factual but funny (easily removable-no vandalism) stickers or post-it notes and put them up wherever you find yourself compelled to stare for a few seconds (bathroom stalls for instance)
Attend meetings that concern your problem, organize house parties, pray, sing protest songs at open mike nights.
Do Something! YOU are Someone!!!!
Ideas are cheap action is dear. -Benjamin Disraeli