Acupuncture: The Points of This Oriental Medicine

Acupuncture is an alternative medicine that does not come from the Western world, but from China. It is said that our oriental friends have been practicing this technique for more than 2000 years. The science of acupuncture is still not accepted by many people. It is a science unto itself, and is gaining popularity because people are seeing results.

The concept of acupuncture is that the body has energy. By directing these energies through needles, you can promote an individual’s health. A healthy individual can undergo acupuncture treatments as preventive medicine to try and catch illness, or disease, from taking hold. Individuals who are ill, or have a disease, may want to undergo acupuncture treatments to stimulate the healing process in their body. It is important that an individual receives a complete diagnosis from a doctor prior to visiting a certified acupuncturist. A person should never assume that acupuncture, alone, will heal them. It is generally used in conjunction with western medicine.

There has only been a limited amount of research done on the science of acupuncture. No one can say in definite terms how these treatments affect disease. No medicine is ever a cure all. However, acupuncture has been used on the following injuries, or illness, to lessen pain and generate healing:

*Stroke patients
*Nervous Disorders
*Gall Stones
*High Blood Pressure
*Drug Addiction

If you are thinking of checking into acupuncture as an alternative medicine, make sure that the person performing this service is a Certified Acupuncturist. It is also important that the individual you go to is honest. If they tell you that they can cure your illness, or disease, they are more than likely manipulating you. A true acupuncturist knows the limitations of this science, as well as the lack of documented research, and is open and honest about it.

It has been reported that the pain by the needles is minimal, and some individuals report that it is soothing. The needles used for acupuncture are smaller than the needles that people see when they get a shot at the doctor’s office. These needles are not capable of drawing blood because they are not hollow.

It is worth checking into this alternative medicine if you want to feel that you are doing everything possible to generate healing in your body. The science of acupuncture would not still be here after 2000 years if people weren’t seeing results.

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