Adopting a Pet in Leavenworth

First thing is first and that is the local shelters that you can contact. The Leavenworth Animal Welfare Society Inc. is located at 1804 Westwood Dr. or you can call them at (913) 651-LAWS. This is an independent group that helps save animals that would otherwise be put to death. They find foster families for animals until they can find a suitable home. This is how I adopted my dog, and these people do a thorough job of making sure you are going to be a suitable home for the animal of your choice.
They will have you provide references, they will meet with you several times and bring your potential new pet to your house and have them check it out and see how they might like it. They will have you do a trial period with the animal and frequently stop by and see how the pet is adjusting. Once they believe that a suitable home has been found they will have you fill out their adoption paperwork, and if the animal has been spayed or neutered then there is a $125 adoption fee to pay for the surgery that has already been done. If the animal isn’t altered they have you sign a contract stating you will have the animal spayed or neutered.
Over all I was happy with this agency, the frequent house visits can be a pain and they ask lots of questions, but it’s just in the pets best interest they have their hearts in the right place. They were always very nice to me and helpful and worked with my hectic schedule to meet with me when ever I had time. They provide all the paperwork you need on the pets medical history, shots, and tags. I would say these people are doing a great job of making sure that the right pet finds the right family. LAWS doesn’t have their own website but they can be found at, at this site you can browse the pets they have available for adoption to find one you like. Once you have found the right pet you can always email Anne Devine who works with LAWS to place pets in homes, her email is
You can also check out the Leavenworth animal shelter is located at 1720 S. 2nd street and the phone number is (913) 682-0268. Adopting from this shelter is a lot easier than LAWS, here you select the animal you would like and depending on if it is a cat or dog the prices are simple. $20 adoption fee and an additional $20 if the animal has not been altered, however once you have the pet altered if you show proof you get all your money back on a dog and you get $35 back on a cat. Not sure why it’s this way but this is their system that they go with.
This shelter is just your typical everyday animal shelter, you can pick the animal pay and fill out the paperwork and take the animal home. Nothing to fancy or difficult, then if you get the animal spayed/neutered you get your money back and essentially the animal was free to take home. This shelter also doesn’t have their own website but can be found at, here you can check out what animals they have at their shelter.