Adoption Film Project Tells Stories

“Despite the commonplace occurrence of adoption, however, the mainstream media has not presented an accurate portrayal of adoption in the American family, nor discussed how adoption touches our lives,” said Hilary S. of
The Adoption Film Project affiliated with Care2 is allowing people affected by adoption to sign an online photition and their adoption story regarding how adoption has touched their life.
PBS is working on Adoption: An American Revolution – a major multimedia project exploring how transformations taking place in adoption today are having far-reaching effects on all our public and private lives.
As recently as a generation ago, adoption was usually shrouded in secrecy and shame.
Today the social landscape could not be more different, but adoption still suffers from damaging myths and prejudices that are rarely challenged, according to Care2.
The documentary will show a rich tapestry of original stories, illuminating the joys, challenges, and impact of adoption.
Hilary has two adopted cousins herself who she says she “couldn’t love more” and that she has been excited to learn about this new program that will celebrate their legacies as adoptees and the magic they’ve brought to her family.
Care2 is based in Redwood City, CA and is the largest online network for people who care to make a difference with over five million members. Founded in 1998, they have 2,000 interest groups, ways to create your own petition or sign one of many, a way to help good causes with a click of a button, photo sharing, email accounts, healthy living advice, Green Pages, shopping, Green Thumbs Up, newsletters, and other items.
It is a privately held company.
“Though I am an adoptive mom I believe in this Christmas Eve Candle Lighting and you shall see a candle in my window on Christmas Eve – to remind myself of the mothers of my two daughters,” said Sheri S.
The Seventh Annual Christmas Eve Candle Lighting was created by The New England Firstmothers’ group and Sunflower Sisters, groups of natural mothers from around the world who have surrendered or lost a child to adoption and are now linked through cyberspace and personal hardship.
Speaking as a birth mom I can attest to the fact that the holidays are some of the hardest times for birth parents.
The Sunflower Group is divided into two separate lists, searching and reunited.
On Christmas Eve this year each of these women will light a candle at 6 p.m. and burn it until midnight having candles lit around the world on that holiday night.
“The New England Firstmothers and Sunflower Sisters ask that all members of the community remember those in the community who are living a life with a part of them missing and offer a brief prayer for first mothers everywhere who endure the pain of a difficult decision,” said Donna Chagnon, founder of the New England group.