Adult Halloween Party Ideas

Halloween isn’t just for kids. Having a Halloween party just for adults can be fun and easy. When considering your guest list , keep it simple and try to remember that some of your guests may have young kids and will either have to bring them or not attend. This can be a very large factor in your party. If young children will be attending you will want to the scare level down to a minimum. If there will be no children attending the party then feel free to make your party as scary as your imagination will let you.

Everyone uses crepe paper and balloons for parties but for a Halloween party you want to up the scare factor a little. The first thing your guests will see is your yard so why not decorate it to. Mounds of dirt with Styrofoam tombstones can be a great way to spice up your yard for the party. Jack-o-lanterns are an old stand by but they do give off a spooky feeling and help set the mood. Add a few fake skeletons hanging from trees and some eerie music and you have a fairly spooky yard. Before you decorate the inside of your house you have to decide which rooms are off limits and which ones will be accessible to your guests. Since you will have to offer your guests a bathroom lets start the decorating there. You can give the room an eerie feeling by replacing the regular light bulb with an orange or red bulb. Orange, red or black candles can also help to set the mood. Next take out that bright red lipstick and write GET OUT in big letters on the mirror. This will freak your guests out just a little. Next take a cheap shower curtain and cut it up, just hack at it with a knife, the more uneven the slices the better and use red food coloring to make it seem as if blood is dripping down the shower curtain. If your feeling really adventurous they sell bathtub paints for kids, use the red paint and drip it in the bathtub or dissolve it in a just enough water to make it look like a bloody bath. Remember to leave the bloody tattered shower curtain open just enough for guests to see the bloody tub. The other thing you will probably have is a bar or a place where the drinks can be handed out. Have whoever is making the drinks dress up like a mad scientist and use beakers and oddly colored bottles as decorations for the bar. You can use anything you might see in a mad scientists lab. As for all the other rooms clean sheets cut up and drizzled with red food coloring or paint can make great bloody sheets. A nice white apron with blood all over it is also a great touch for a kitchen. Pumpkins and gourds come in many shapes and sizes so use the odd shapes to your advantage and decorate with them. Your local store will have some great wall decorations and will give you even more ideas for some scary fun.

As far as the menu keep it simple and gruesome. Put place cards beside each item with gruesome name for it. Spinach dip can become green slime. Salsa can become blended heart. Food coloring is a great way to add a little gruesome color to your foods without changing the taste. Gutted and cleaned out pumpkins can make great bowls and a white sheet with a spider web drawn on it can make a great table cloth. Throw in a few fake spider and bugs , and add a few orange, red and black candles and you have a table fit for any ghoul. Its always a good idea if your going to have alcoholic drinks to have some punch that is not alcoholic. A great way to spice up the punch bowl is to fill a washed plastic glove with red colored water and freeze it overnight to place in the punch. This way you don’t have to worry about the ice melting and watering down your punch and your guests will love the little surprise. If your not to keen on the glove trick try freezing some ice cubes with cherry kool aid and having bloody ice in the punch bowl. Green kool aid works just as well for slimy ice cubes. Anything can be given a gruesome name. Deviled eggs become devils spawn. All it takes is a little imagination. For the alcoholic drinks there are way to many to mention and everyone has different tastes so here is a website that lists tons of delicious Halloween drinks just for adults.
Now all that’s left is to have a great time at your Halloween party .

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