Affordable Vision: Finding Cheap Contact Lenses

If you wear prescription glasses or contacts, then you know how expensive filling prescriptions or getting new glasses can be. Many people are opting for laser surgery to improve vision, but if you have a special optical situation or aren’t quite ready to take the risk of laser surgery, you’ll need to find out the best places to find cheap contact lenses, and how to find the best contacts for you.

The most popular place perhaps to purchase cheap contact lenses is 1-800-CONTACTS. You can set up an account with 1-800-CONTACTS and select the type of contact lenses you’re looking for. The most common contacts on the site are Acuvue, but you can also purchase Focus cheap contact lenses. Most contact distributors also sell other products for your eyes, like eye drops and contact solution.

When you order contacts from a website, you’ll only need to submit your prescription once for verification. The website will verify with your eye doctor that the prescription is current, and after that the site will keep track of your information. When you need to reorder, all you’ll have to do is call the prescription in by phone or pull up your account on your computer. Since all your information is already saved, your new contacts should be out to you in days. Also, when you order via the Internet, shipping is free! The site also has ways for you to save on your next eye exam, plus lots of medical information you’ll need to know about your eyes, including how the eye functions, and prevention of eye diseases. is also a great place to purchase cheap contact lenses. On average, you can save about 70% on your order. This site works much like 1-800-CONTACTS, in that you have an account and a ‘shopping cart’ to place your orders in. You’ll also receive information on the contact retailers that partner with the site, including Johnson and Johnson, Bausch and Lomb, CooperVision, and Ocular Sciences. You can choose which company you’d like to order your contacts from, and which contact company has the best products for your prescription. Other vision tools are available on the website as well, such as compact reading glasses, and special color lenses for dark eyes. And, for a limited time, when you order Acuvue contacts from the Vision Direct site, you’ll receive a $30 rebate.

Lenses Guide and Lens World have great savings on contact lenses as well. You can visit their websites ( and, to find out if you can save more. Some doctor’s offices contain brochures that tell you more about how these sites for cheap contact lenses can help you.

Of course, it’s very important to check with your eye doctor before ordering contact lenses on your own. Make sure you have the proper contact lens prescription for each eye before ordering, and be sure to visit your eye doctor as often as possible, so that you’ll be aware of any changes that need to be made on your prescriptions. Make sure that you keep your eyes and your contacts clean, and that you replace your contacts regularly, according to the kind of lenses you use. It’s also a good idea to get your first several prescriptions filled by the doctor’s office so your eyes will get familiar with your contact lenses; then you can order the contact lenses on your own. That way, you won’t be in for any surprises when you start replacing your contacts yourself.

Shopping around for cheap contact lenses will help you find the best deal. There may be many good deals out there, but make sure you’ve explored all your options so you don’t get stuck overpaying.

Buying contact lenses online is a great way to save time and money. Check the websites mentioned for the best deals.

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