Aiding the Ailing: How to Send Money to Natural Disaster Victims

American Red Cross
In addition to providing donated blood, the American Red Cross helps with national and international disasters for USA Soldiers and communities.
There are many opportunities to help the American Red Cross. You can donate money by going to or volunteering your time at your local chapter. However, they do not accept clothes, food or water as donations.
“The Red Cross does not accept individual donations of material items (called “in-kind” donations) because receipt of such items can actually hamper relief efforts. The financial and personnel cost of receiving, sorting, transporting goods and ensuring the quality and cleanliness of items donated by individual households is very high. It does not allow for individuals and families to receive what they uniquely need in their own size and shape.
The traditional method of providing Red Cross assistance is with a voucher, redeemable at local stores and paid for with donation dollars, that enables victims to purchase what they need in the correct sizes and in accordance with their own taste. Making even these small decisions helps individuals begin to take control of their lives and their recovery. In addition, this process helps channel money into the local economy and thus aids the community in recovery from disaster. The Red Cross does accept large corporate donations of food, bottled water and other items needed by the disaster-affected communities.”
– American Red Cross
Checks can be written to:
American Red Cross
P.O. Box 37243
Washington, DC 20013
The traditional method of providing Red Cross assistance is with a voucher, redeemable at local stores and paid for with donation dollars, that enables victims to purchase what they need in the correct sizes and in accordance with their own taste. Making even these small decisions helps individuals begin to take control of their lives and their recovery. In addition, this process helps channel money into the local economy and thus aids the community in recovery from disaster. The Red Cross does accept large corporate donations of food, bottled water and other items needed by the disaster-affected communities.”
– American Red Cross
Checks can be written to:
American Red Cross
P.O. Box 37243
Washington, DC 20013
You may also donate online or via their telephone number at 1-800-435-7669 (English), 1-800-257-7575 (Spanish).
Teamster is funded by local unions and other affiliates, although anyone who wishes to donate can.
Payable To: Teamster Disaster Relief Fund
Mailed To:
International Brotherhood of Teamsters
25 Louisiana Ave NW
Washington, DC 20001
Aid is only provided to Teamster members. You may consider joining the union to receive help. It’s union organization provides services to public defenders, airline pilots, secretaries and other professionals.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency provides assistance in the overwhelming event of death and property loss. It receives money through its Public Assistance Grant Program which is funded by the government.
You can apply for assistance by calling 1-800-621-3362 or TTY 1-800-462-7585. You may also apply online at
DisasterHelp is apart of the President’s Disaster Management Egov Initiative. They maintain a private online portal for the government and a public online portal for the public. These portals contain information about disaster response, mitigation, recovery and more.
They also help victims and assistance providers find disasters assistance information.
Avoiding Fraud
There are scam artists willing to take advantage of people’s misfortune and others compassion for the victims of natural disasters. The fraudsters can come by email, phone or in person.
There are scam artists willing to take advantage of people’s misfortune and others compassion for the victims of natural disasters. The fraudsters can come by email, phone or in person.
There are scam artists willing to take advantage of people’s misfortune and others compassion for the victims of natural disasters. The fraudsters can come by email, phone or in person.
There are scam artists willing to take advantage of people’s misfortune and others compassion for the victims of natural disasters. The fraudsters can come by email, phone or in person.
There are scam artists willing to take advantage of people’s misfortune and others compassion for the victims of natural disasters. The fraudsters can come by email, phone or in person.
If you are approached in person, ask for identity and call the charity they are representing to confirm they have authorization to collect donations. Never send cash. Ask for pamphlets or brochures as most organizations will have these prepared. No matter what type of contact the representative initiates, never give personal information such as your social security number or credit card number.
Other Organizations and Resources
Operation Blessing
Salvation Army