Airline Teams Up with Other Company to Help Hurricane Victims

American Airlines AAdvantage members, and the United Way have teamed up to help Hurricane Katrina evacuees.

In the wake of the hurricane relocation efforts are ongoing and recovery is moving forward.

American has formed the Miles to Move Forward Program to help provide transportation to those affected by the tragedy in the Gulf Coast region.

Visit for more information or to donate to the program.

Miles can help someone who has suddenly found themselves displaced due to this disaster.

Through Sept. 30th AAdvantage members will receive a one-time reward of 500 miles when donating $50 or more to the American Red Cross Hurricane Relief Effort.

Members should fax or mail a copy of their donation receipt to AAdvantage Service.

Red Cross donations must be in U.S. dollars.

The AAdvantage program has over 50 million members. To get things started American will donate one million miles.

The fax number to donate is 817-963-7882 or you can mail a donation to Hurricane Relief, American Airlines, AADvantage Department, Box 619688, DFW Airport, TX 75261-9688.

All donation requests must be faxed or postmarked by Dec. 31st.

American also has a giftAAmiles program where you can give up to 40,000 AAdvantage miles per member each calendar year.

There is also a shareAAmiles program to transfer up to 60,000 miles and receive up to 15,000 miles each calendar year.

American also has an AAdvantage Short-Hop Award with only 15,000 miles for a limited time. You fly non-stop on any short-hop markets on the airline within the Continental U.S. and Canada for few miles. The award is reduced mileage for short-hop, non-stop routes and must travel through Feb. 28th. For a limited time you can claim a round-trip, short-hop MileSAAver award for 15,000 AAdvantage miles in coach classes (a 10,000 mile savings) and 30,000 AAdvantage miles in first or business class (a 15,000 mile savings).

Examples of eligible itineraries are Chicago and Philadelphia, Los Angeles and San Francisco, Boston and Raleigh/Durham, and Dallas/Fort Worth and New Orleans.

The short-hop award is valid for round-trip travel only on non-stop flights of up to 750 air miles each way.

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