Airline Travel Regulations

With terrorism being such a major issue in our world today, it is quite understandable why more and more security regulations are being introduced at airports. If you are going to be traveling by airline sometime during this year, then you are probably wondering what you should expect to face when you arrive at the airport. There are many items that you can no longer bring on board due to strict safety regulations. As the threat of terrorism is elevated, the rules of airline travel will only grow stricter and stricter.

One of the regulations that have been put into effect is that all pieces of luggage now need to be checked, mainly in search of explosives. Security personnel can inspect it, a canine that can sniff out bombs, an explosive detection machine, or by luggage-passenger match. As complicated as this regulation might sound, it only takes a few minutes for a security guard to search through your bags. In the long run, this regulation is well worth it if it will provide safer airline travel.

On August 10th, 2006 in Britain, police arrested individuals for plotting to bomb planes that were going to be traveling to the United States. They plotted to detonate the planes by using liquid explosives, and due to this scare, you are unable to bring any kind of material holding liquid on board in your carry on. Liquids and gels will be banned at security checkpoints and aboard flights. There will be few exceptions to this rule, one of which will be small doses of liquid medications and formula will be permitted.

Additionally, you should be prepared to take off your shoes. They will need to be x-rayed with your carry-on bags before you may have them back.

There are other items, which are banned from your flight. The most obvious include weapons and explosives, including knives, guns and stun guns. However, there a number of items that you might not even know of that are not allowed to bring on the plane. Some of these items include lighters, scissors, box cutters, ice picks, axes , hammers, drills, saws, screwdrivers, wrenches, pliers, meat cleavers, razors, mace or pepper spray, and swords. If you decide to include a sharp object in your checked baggage, you need to securely wrap the item so that it cannot hurt anybody (baggage checkers, etc.). Sporting goods, which you might not expect to be banned from your flight, include baseball hats, bows and arrows, bats, golf clubs, hockey and lacrosse sticks, pool cues, ski poles, and spear guns. Chemicals that are not allowed on board or in your checked baggage include chlorine for pools or spas, compressed gas cylinders (such as fire extinguishers), liquid bleach, spill able batteries, spray paint and tear gas.

Though chances are that you may not think of some of these items as being harmful, if you bring an item that is allowed on the plane with you, you could be either criminally or civilly prosecuted. However, if it is an item that seems harmless, chances are that you will simply be asked to rid yourself of the item. A security or police officer will have to decide the appropriate handling of the situation.

Overall, it is so imperative to know what to bring and what not to bring with you when you go to the airport. Since the people who work for airport security need to be so thorough with their checks, bringing something that is prohibited will lead to a lot of avoidable problems.

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