Al Gore’s Fight Against Global Warming

In the film, Al Gore speaks of the need to reduce carbon-dioxide emissions as a moral imperative. Here are a few ways that you can help reduce your “carbon footprint.” Who me? Yeah, the average American generates about 20 tons of CO2 every year! There are several online calculators that will help you to determine what your carbon footprint is. With a few lifestyle changes it’s really not hard to reduce your impact on the environment:
Every gallon of gasoline burned by a car or truck releases some 24 pounds of CO2 into the atmosphere. Choose the most fuel-efficient vehicle for your needs. If you have more than one, only use the less efficient one if you can fill it with passengers or cargo. And if you’re in the market for a new vehicle, opt for the most fuel-efficient in its class, or consider a hybrid. Try to drive less, carpooling a couple of days a week can save almost 1800 pounds of emissions a year.
Every kilowatt-hour of electricity use in your home generates 2.3 pounds of CO2. Here’s a thought: if every American family replaced just one incandescent light bulb with a more energy-efficient florescent one, CO2 emissions would drop by more than 90 billion pounds! Get a digital thermostat. A digital thermostat allows you to save energy by turning your heat on and off at preset intervals.
Try to recycle. Recycling waste also cuts down on methane gas being released into the atmosphere. Methane also raises temperature. It also uses less energy than manufacturing new materials.
Buy local. Locally grown food has far less distance to travel, cutting down on transportation emissions.
And finally, get the word out. Watch the film and tell others about it. The education process couldn’t be more urgent, even though it might be an “Inconvenient Truth” to some.