Alarm Systems: The Basics

For most people concerned with home security, sitting on guard like a watchdog in your home is not a practical (or enjoyable) method for safeguarding personal property. As a result most homeowners turn to external security measures for those moments when they can’t be present; the most popular method being the burglar alarm system.

Alarm systems are beneficial because they help detect the presence of intruders on the premises. Every alarm system is built around the same concept. When an invader attempts to enter the premises, they disturb a circuit in the system causing it to go off. Despite this simplistic concept, all alarm systems are not created equal. As in all forms of technology, alarms range from simple to complex.

Luckily the market is filled with choices for consumers, which allows the option of handpicking the best system for any home. However, for some homeowners, choosing the right one can be a daunting task.

Typically, advanced security systems fall into one of two categories. They are either unmonitored or monitored systems. Choosing between the two categories depends on the consumers living situation and neighborhood sociability. An unmonitored system is simply a security measure that alerts neighbors to potential intruders and allows them to call for help. They usually consist of a combination of on-site alarms and/or strobe lights. When using this type of system, lights should typically be placed in a region on the side of the house that is both out of reach but visible to neighbors. The property should also be within an audible range. The disadvantage of unmonitored security is leaving the response decision up to neighbors and passerby’s. When installing this type of security, it is wise to advise neighbors not to investigate an alarm on their own.

Monitored alarm systems are slightly more complex. These alarms are monitored by a central monitoring station that is contacted when the alarm senses something. Most security systems rely on the use of motion sensors to alert to changes within the room. Special sensors are also available for consumers with pets. Alarms typically wait up to 45 seconds before alerting to danger, which allows the homeowner time to deactivate it. This is usually done on a keypad, which also serves to activate the alarm. If it is not deactivated, the company places a call to the homeowner requiring a password. If the person on the receiving end of the call cannot verify the password or pick up the phone, then the police are alerted right away. The drawbacks of using this type of system, is the police response time. Depending on your local department, it may take them anywhere from a half hour to an hour to respond. Consumers must also check if there are any penalties for alerting police to a false alarm.

Another form of monitored alarm system is self monitoring. This allows for internal monitoring and recording inside and around the premises on a closed circuit television. Security by closed circuit television is very common for office and business owners. The nanny cam is the popularized home version of this but is typically not used for securing property.

When choosing between the two types of systems, cost also plays a factor. There are security systems for every type of budget. Typically, unmonitored alarms range in price but the cost is usually a one time deal. When choosing a monitored system, depending on the company, the equipment may be free, but the homeowner pays for the service. This is usually secured by a contract provided by the company. When reviewing contracts, it is important to look into every detail. Review warranties, detection costs and features. Most companies charge differently. It is best to obtain quotes to compare different companies, and if possible, ask for references to some of their customers to get advice about the service.

The important thing to remember is that security alarms do not prevent burglars from invading property. Instead, they serve as dissuasion to an intruder. The best home protection is common sense. Keep all doors and windows locked. When away for extended periods, store valuables in a safe deposit box and ask neighbors to keep an eye on the property. Informing the police ahead of time also adds protection during absence. Nonetheless, security alarm systems are highly beneficial and add to a greater sense of security.

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