Alien Tracker Staring Adrian Paul DVD Review

While this DVD does not include every episode, it does basically follow the series’ storyline from the beginning to almost the end. It runs for 103 minutes and includes footage from the first episode with China Doll, the episode where Cole is captured by a government agency, and the episode where Cole and Nestov search for Zyn in a government run hospital facility. While you probably could follow the story presented by this DVD if you didn’t watch the series in its entirety, it still is a little hard to follow. However, if you are familiar with the series, this DVD is a good memento of the series.
Pros of Alien Tracker DVD
This is a decent DVD. The sound and picture are good quality, and the price is usually around $10 or $11. It contains highlights of some of the most key episodes in the series, and its highlights the dramatic and comedic acting abilities of Adrian Paul.
Cons of Alien Tracker DVD
While this DVD movie did contain key moments from the series, a lot of the best moments were not included in this cut. A lot of the scenes that showed the development of the relationships between the main characters were lost due to trying to reduce an entire season into a 103 minute movie. Also this cut really didn’t resolve the story completely.
Where You Can Find Alien Tracker DVD
Alien Tracker DVD can be found on several online retail DVD stores. I bought my copy from for $9.28 with free shipping. You can also find this DVD at, which you can try out for $5.99 per month. It is also available at: for $12.99 plus a shipping cost of $2.98, for $9.69 plus $2.95 shipping, for $9.90 plus $2.68 shipping, for $8.99 plus $4.98 shipping, and for $9.49 plus $2.79 shipping.
More Information About the DVD and the Series
If you are interested in learning more about what happened in the series you can visit the official Tracker the Series website located at Here you will find information about each episode, the cast, the crew, and you can even play a Tracker game. You can also find ordering information for Alien Tracker DVD, as well as other Sci Fi and Adrian Paul features on this site. Background information about Alien Tracker DVD can also be found on the retail DVD site that you are ordering from. A movie description, DVD specs, and cast list should be available on these sites, as well as links to other movies that star cast members from Alien Tracker.