All About Dust Mites

Dust contains a large variety of things. It’s a mess, honestly. Dust in your home can contain pieces of lint and fabric, dead skin cells, animal dander (if you have pets), plant materials, drywall or paint particles, dust mite and other insect droppings, and dead dust mites.
Yummy, right?
There really is nothing you can do about dust, and dust mites in general. They are a fact of life and you’ll never be rid of either completely. No matter how much or how often you clean, dust will remain. You can lower the amount of dust in your home, but it’s a losing battle.
Dust mites, unfortunately, are everywhere you go. They live mostly on dead skin cells. Humans and animals both shed skin cells at all hours of the day. This leaves a plentiful food supply for dust mites in your home, office, and vehicle.
These dust mites thrive where you rest your body the most. If you have a high-powered vacuum cleaner, you can see evidence of this by vacuuming your mattress or your favorite recliner. Thankfully, dust mites are so small you will never see them, no matter how many there are living in your home.
You’ll never get rid of dust mites, but the number in your home will depend on where you live. They are most likely to thrive and multiple heavily in areas that are prone to humidity. If you live in a dry part of the country, you will have less of a problem.
Some people are allergic to dust mites. It’s not actually the mites they have a reaction to, however, it is their droppings. If you are allergic to dust mite droppings, here are some tips to help you cope.
– Look for mattresses and furniture covers that help reduce dust mites. These items cannot eliminate the problem, but they can help lower the number of mites living in your bed and sofa.
– Spend the extra money to buy a high-powered vacuum cleaner. Look for the kinds that are designed to trap allergens.
– Avoid foam mattresses. They provide an ideal environment for dust mites to live and reproduce.
– Keep clean and efficient filters on your homes heating and cooling systems.
– Avoid dry dusting. You may be picking up some dust, but in most cases you are just pushing it back into the air to land somewhere else. Nothing picks up dirt better than moisture, so use it when dusting.
– Wash your bedding on a weekly basis, using hot water.
– If you have drapes, wash them in hot water on a monthly basis. If they cannot be washed, vacuum them thoroughly once a week.
– Consider a dehumidifier for your home if you live in a humid area.
It is estimated that ten percent of the population has an allergic reaction of some kind to dust mite droppings. If you have unexplained allergy symptoms, consider that dust mites might be the culprits. Along with these tips, ask your doctor for additional advice. Your doctor can properly diagnose any allergies that you may have.