All About Living in Concord and What There is to Offer

Snow isn’t something you see up here, however, if you are lucky enough to experience it, it sometimes hails if the cool air is just right. It is a very rare thing to see hail here in Concord, although recently, we have experienced two different hail storms. It was truly an amazing site for everyone in Concord and sister cities.
Besides all that, there are quite a few shopping plazas to visit: Clayton Valley shopping plaza, Vine Yard, Sun Valley Mall, Park and Shop, and a few other various and random areas. There is an almost endless supply of places to go. You have so many choices of super markets and video rental stores, including our very own Bradely Video. There are a few Safeway’s located everywhere just like StarBucks.
Other than some shopping plazas and such, there isn’t much to do here in Concord. Just the water park during the summer, and hanging out with your friends at the parks, Sun Valley Mall, or sneaking on over to Walnut Creek for their downtown section: Broadway Plaza. Or even heading to Pleasant hill for some See’s candy. We have our very own Brenden theater here though, unlike Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill. They both have a Century Theaters.
So all in all, Concord is probably a town you may only want to visit during the Summer. It’s a great place to live, but you have to watch out for gangs among other things. The crime rate used to be so low here until I realized how much worse it has gotten after catching 2 people trying to break into my car and garage. It still isn’t too bad, but I wouldn’t leave anything in a car window that a smash-n-grab thief wouldn’t hesitate to think twice about.
Come to Concord during the summer, and enjoy your stay! But don’t stay too long, it gets boring quite easily!