All Are Welcome! Well Not Exactly

It’s Sunday morning and I am headed in the YMCA to attend a forum on the biblical responsibility to the environment being lead by a local divinity student.

For those of us who believe that the nation is taking the current crisis in to frivolous a manner these discussions can help us understand the facts and the responsibilities.

As a church the North Raleigh United Church is often the focal point of controversy. We have the strange belief that the message of the man who touched lepers; forgave prostitutes, robbers and even those who handed him over to Pilot; showed mercy to the sick and lame; drank wine with tax collectors; and talked with Samaritans; was a message of inclusively and love.

As a result we consider ourselves members of a church of sinners who with a little, or in some cases a lot, of guidance may find the way to do the right things.

In this vain, what I heard on entry through the doors of the Y was unusual at best.

As I open the door I heard a loud “Oh, no!”

“It’s so large!”

“Is it dangerous?”

“How do you think it got in here?”

“Is it a Tarantula?”

Just then I found myself uttering, “This is fantastic! This is super!”

I slid the lid off my trusty camera, a constant companion, and began shooting the bewildered lady.

For the sack she carried said that “She’s a Lady!”

Then now that I had the evidence that we had been visited by a representative of nature, I joined the discussion.

“Who has a cup? Is this paper too thick? Is this paper strong enough?”

“Are going to move it? No let âÂ?¦move it?”

“I’ll move it; I’ve done it a million times!” One of the men chirped in.

With well practiced hands and smooth easy motions he carefully slipped the plastic cup over our strange visitor and slid the paper beneath its legs.

With the same deft practice, he carried the future mother out into a more natural place for her offspring.

As an open and affirming church, we encourage all persons who enter to feel welcome.
All persons are Welcome!

As for large hairy spiders, we do our best to make sure they hear the message through the riches of God’s green environment.

Today what was most like a large Wolf Spider was shown a green area where it she might find appropriate winter shelter for her brood.

For those who would like to know more about a place of worship in the Raleigh area the:
NC Council of Churches
1307 Glenwood Ave
Raleigh NC 27605
Phone: (919) 828-6501

The North Raleigh United Church
Information: Doug Long (919) 844-6661

Meets at:
2500 Wakefield Pines Drive
Raleigh, North Carolina

Forum, 9:30 AM (child care provided)
Worship, 10:30 AM (Sunday school for grades k-5)

If you happen to be something other than a person such as a spider, alligator, lizard, bird or deer you are encouraged to worship in a more natural environment, glade, field or forest.

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